Required Teaching Credentials

Minimum Academic Credentials

SACSCOC (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges), the University of Memphis’ accrediting body, requires that faculty teaching undergraduate courses “have a doctoral or master’s degree in the teaching discipline or a master’s degree with a concentration in the teaching discipline (a minimum of eighteen (18) graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline).”

Submission of Credentials

Applicants must submit (1) an official transcript of the highest degree and any additional graduate courses in the discipline (we can obtain transcript(s) from the University of Memphis); (2) a current vitae or resume (may be sent as an e-mail attachment); and (3) two signed letters of recommendation (letters sent as e-mail attachments must come directly from the recommender and not be forwarded from the applicant).

FERPA Contract (instructors please complete and submit to dualenrollment@memphis.edu)

Disability Resources for Dual Enrollment Students

If you currently have an IEP or 504 plan, experience a temporary injury or prolonged illness, or are newly diagnosed with a medical, emotional, or cognitive condition, you may be eligible for services as a dual enrollment student at the University of Memphis.  Please follow the process below to receive services:

For Courses Taught at the High School by High School Teachers

Please follow the process your high school has in place for requesting disability-related course accommodations.

For Courses Taught at the University of Memphis or Online by a UofM Employee

Disability Resources for Students (DRS) is responsible for ensuring that all dual enrollment students who are taking on-ground or online courses taught by UofM faculty receive disability-related accommodations for their courses.  To connect with DRS, please complete the Student Introduction Form at https://yukon.accessiblelearning.com/Memphis/ApplicationStudent.aspx. If you have an IEP, 504 plan or relevant diagnostic information, you may upload it with this form, fax it to 901-678-3070 or email it to drs@memphis.edu.

Once you complete the Student Introduction Form, a DRS coordinator will email you to schedule your Initial Appointment.  During the initial appointment, you will discuss needed accommodations and learn how to make accommodation arrangements.  If you have questions regarding this process, please contact DRS at 901-678-2880 or drs@memphis.edu.