Course Details

Syllabus and Assignments

Teachers must adhere to the guidelines, learning objectives, and requirements prescribed in the model syllabus provided by the department contact. They must also use the textbook(s) required for the college course.

Teachers should provide students with a print or an electronic copy of the syllabus, including a calendar of assignments specific to the secondary school calendar. A copy of this syllabus should be submitted to the Department Coordinator of Dual Enrollment.

Variations between Calendars of Secondary Schools and the University

Differences in the semester calendars of the secondary schools and the university require adjustments in the high school course calendar. This adjustment is left to the discretion of the high school teacher, with one exception: the end-of-semester grading deadline. Grades must be submitted to the Faculty Coordinator by 8:00 a.m. on the day grades are due to the university (see GRADES below) even if the high school semester has not yet ended.

Verification of Class Rosters

Early in the semester, initial rosters are faxed to teachers for verification. Teachers should immediately report any discrepancies between attendance and the rosters to the Dual Enrollment Faculty Coordinator.

Semester Grades

Grading Deadline

Because the Dual Enrollment Faculty Coordinator is the Instructor of Record for all Dual Enrollment classes, grades are submitted to him/her to be entered in the system. The deadline for submitting Dual Enrollment grades to the Coordinator is 8:00 a.m. on the day university grades are due.

The teacher must complete the university class requirements (including the final exam) in time to meet the university deadline for submitting grades. If an additional high school final exam comes later, the college grade should not be affected by the results of that exam.

If a student has not completed all of the required work and you intend to let him/her turn in something late, do not issue a regular grade. Instead, send in the grade as an Incomplete. Then send the final grade once the student has submitted that work (there is a deadline—45 days beyond the original grade deadline). Do remember, though, that Incomplete grades are generally reserved for circumstances beyond the student’s control (e.g., illness, death in the family, etc.), not for procrastination.

English 1010 and 1020 Grades

English 1010 and 1020 grades should reflect only the composition portion of the course. Since the high school English grade is based on both composition and literature, it is not unusual for the college and high school English grades to differ.

Procedures for Submitting Grades

For ease of entry, students should be listed in alphabetical order. (Note: Separate classes do not need to be merged into a single alphabetical list. So long as each class roster is in alphabetical order, it is no problem that they are separate.)

Final semester grades must be submitted as letter grades, not numerical grades, since a letter grade is entered into the system. Plus and minus grading is acceptable, though not required.

Students must have a 2.75 GPA to receive the lottery scholarship in the next semester. A B- grade earns a GPA of 2.67 and will result in the loss of the lottery scholarship. A student who earns below a B but meets the university requirements for passing the course (usually a C) may progress to the next course in the sequence, but will have to pay the amount covered by the lottery scholarship.

Accountability Requirements

In addition to the semester course grades themselves, teachers will submit at the end of the semester (1) a copy of the semester syllabus and calendar of assignments (this may be a single document or two separate ones), and (2) a spreadsheet or copy of a system/school-based grade-calculation program, showing how each student’s grade was calculated. These are materials required of all instructors (full- and part-time), not just DE teachers.


If a student leaves school or is removed from the class for any reason, he/she must officially withdraw from the university class. Except for extenuating circumstances, such as serious illness, this withdrawal must be completed by the university withdrawal deadline. Refunds will not be issued unless the withdrawal occurs during the refund period.

To withdraw from a class, students must complete the official Dual Enrollment withdrawal form, including required signatures from the student, a parent, and a principal or guidance counselor. The form should be faxed to the Dual Enrollment Faculty Coordinator, who will submit it to the Registrar for processing.