Semester Loan Laptop Form

Use the form below to request a loaner laptop for the current semester from McWherter Library.   This option is only available to students currently enrolled in classes during the semester for which a request is submitted. An email will automatically be sent to Circulation upon submission request for the laptop. Please contact Circulation with any questions. Your request should be processed within two (2) business days and you will be notified as to when you can pick up a laptop at the circulation desk at McWherter. This privilege is limited to currently enrolled students only. You may not request a computer during a semester that you are not taking a class.  A University ID is required to borrow the laptop.  


Laptop Guidelines
  • Please log in to the laptop with your UUID and password BEFORE leaving the library.
  • Students are not allowed to install programs and apps on the laptop.
  • Please do not save your work on the laptop.
  • Call (901) 678-8888 or email umtech@memphis.edu if you have any problems with the laptop.