Application Received

Thank you for applying for the 2020-2021 School Year at the University Middle School!

Your application was submitted successfully. Please see next steps to complete application process.

Next Steps:
Await notification of admission which will be communicated via the Application Timeline for University Schools found here.

Following your application notification, the following documents will be required to confirm enrollment.
- Most recent report card

If you are applying under the 2.0 mile radius option, please also supply proof of residency in the form of 2 official documents postmarked or time/date stamped within 30 days of application showing the name and address of the parent of the student on the application. Acceptable documents may include utility bills, bank and credit card statements, mortgage or lease information, official bills from businesses and may not include advertising or personal mail. 

You will be required to submit this documentation via hard copy delivered to University Middle at East High School on January 9th and January 10th from 8:30am - 5:30pm and on Saturday, January 11th from 10am - Noon.

Please note that you will not be able to access this page once closed and that you may want to print it for your records.

For additional information, contact avglantz@memphis.edu