Assets/Equipment Inventory
Project Scope:
Review current processes and polices relating to current assets/equipment inventory
process to create an improved streamlined process. Evaluate the current Banner Workflow
process and determine the best systematic solution for recording, transferring and
surplus of equipment. Review current tagging process and the annual audit by eliminating
the current paper process and include electronic approvals. Update website and training
materials. .
PROPOSED TIMELINE: mm/dd/yy - mm/dd/yy
"AS IS" Mapping (Current State)
"TO BE" Mapping (Future State)
Project Updates:
- May -2021 - with the Softdocs software purchase, the team will evaluate Softdocs as a possible solution.
- Project Status Update -
- Project Outcomes -
Project Team:
- Carroll Keys, Information Technology, Business Integrations Services
- Colette Williams, University Process Improvement - Project Manager
- Deanna McMillian, Public Health
- Greg Geske, Information Technoloyg
- Julia Crutchfield, Biology
- Kathy Archie, Accounting
- Ladonnal Curry, Business & Finance
- Melissa Ramage, Business & Finance Reporting and Systems Initiatives
- Shruti Bapat, Buisness Process Analyst, University Process Improvement
- Tammara Adams, Physical Plant
- Tina Magueyal, Information Technology
Phone: 901.678.2213 | E-mail: