Foreign Language Retroactive Credit
Project Scope:
Review and eliminate current paper process. Create an online process that will eliminate
the need to email form, student printing, signing and scanning document and returning
document. Streamline process to route electronically to the necessary departments.
PROPOSED TIMELINE: 09/2020 - 11/2020
Current Process:
Student receives grade of ‘C’ or better in higher level course:
Student contacts World Languages & Literature department and request credit hours
for the lower level course(s)
Request Retroactive Credit:
World Languages & Literature admin validates student passed higher-level course
Admin completes Retroactive Credit form
Form emailed to the student to print and sign
Student takes form to University Student & Business Services office to pay for
credit hours
Student returns form and payment receipt to department of World Languages & Literature
Process Form:
Admin receives and evaluates form and payment
Department Chair signs and scans form
Department Chair emails form to Admissions office
Admissions post credit to student's record
Improved Process:
Student receives grade of ‘C’ or better in higher level course:
Student contacts World Languages & Literature department and request credit hours
for retro-credit course
World Languages & Literature Department:
Department Chair completes form requesting student credit hours be posted
Register Office:
Register student for the retro-credit course
Post grade 'S'
Student pay fees online:
Eliminate paying fees in person and walking forms back to World Languages & Literature
Improved Process:
Eliminate department admin and admissions from process
Student can complete process remotely
Eliminate Dept Admin- 33 hours
Eliminate Admissions – 4 hours
Reduce Student time to 10 minutes
Reduce Chair time to 10 minutes
Project Team:
- Darla Keel, Registrar, Team Lead
- Will Thompson, World Languages and Literatures
- Carol Laney, University Process Improvement
- Colette Williams, University Process Improvement
Phone: 901.678.2213 | E-mail: