Research Awards
April 2022
Dr. Daniel Schaffzin, director of Experimental Learning and associate professor of Law in the Cecil C. Humphrey’s School of Law was awarded $314,332.60 from the City of Memphis for his project “City of Memphis Neighborhood Preservation Clinic.”
Dr. Xiangen Hu, Experimental (Cognitive) professor in the Department of Psychology, was awarded $220,843 from the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) with the United States Army Research Laboratory (ARL) for his project “Collaborative Research & Development Effort on General Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT).”
Dr. Thomas Sutter, professor and Feinstone Chairman of Molecular Biology in the Department of Biological Sciences was awarded $215,250 from the National Institutes of Health for his project “A core transcription factor complex of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor.”
Dr. Francisco Muller Sanchez, assistant professor in the Department of Physics and Materials Science was awarded $134,566 from National Aeronautics and Space Admin (NASA) for his project “AGN Feeding and Feedback in NGC 4151” and $129,062 from National Aeronautics and Space Admin (NASA) for his project “Unveiling the Nature of CID-42. The Best Candidate for a Gravitational Wave Recoiling Supermassive Black Hole.”
Dr. James Adelman, assistant professor in the Department of Biological Sciences was awarded $118,272 from Virginia Tech with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for his project “Ecological and evolutionary causes and consequences of host heterogeneity induced by prior exposure.”
Dr. Robin Poston, dean and professor in the Department of Business Information and Technology was awarded $61,250 from Alion Science and Technology with the Department of Homeland Security for her project “Testing & Evaluation Course Instruction and Research in Support of Information Technology Systems.”
Dr. Yu (Joyce) Jiang, associate professor in the Division of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Environmental Health was awarded $45,851 from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) for his project “Data management and data analyses.”
Dr. Brian Waldron, associate professor in the Department of Civil Engineering and director of the Center for Applied Earth Science and Engineering (CAESER), was awarded $42,500 from Conch Technologies, Incorporated for his project “MLGW street lights phase 1.”
Dr. James Murphy, professor in the Department of Psychology was awarded $36,814 from the University of Kansas Center for Research with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for his project “Testing the Effects of Contingency Management and Behavioral Economics on Buprenorphine-Naloxone Treatment Adherence Using a Sequential Multiple Assignment,” and $13,919 from the University of Kansas Center for Research with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for his project “Using Neuroeconomics to Characterize State-Based Increases and Decreases in Alcohol Value.”
Dr. Claudio Meier, associate professor in the Department of Civil Engineering was awarded $29,975 from the University of Tennessee - Knoxville (UTK) with U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) for his project “Auto-Depuration Due to Hyporheic Exchange/Filtration under Bars of Headwater Streams in Tennessee.”
Dr. John Sabatini, distinguished research professor in the Institute for Intelligent Systems was awarded $13,760 from the Manhattan Strategy Group (MSG) for his project “Technical and Logistical Support Services for the National Assessment Governing Board (Project No. FED-037).”
Dr. Stephanie Ivey, associate dean for research and professor in the Department of Civil Engineering was awarded $10,110 from Gannett Fleming Inc. with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials for her project “TSMO Workforce Summit.”
Dr. Elizabeth Gillespie, assistant professor in the Department of Public and Nonprofit Administration was awarded $8,755 from the Women's Foundation for a Greater Memphis for her project “The Status of Women and Girls in Tennessee.”
Dr. Todd Zoblotsky, research professor in the Center for Research in Educational Policy was awarded $4,082 from Green Dot Public Schools for his project “Green Dot Demographic Analysis 2022.”
Dr. Josef Hanson, Assistant Professor of Music Education (Instrumental) and the Coordinator of Music Education in the Rudi E. Scheidt School of Music was awarded $3,000 from The Les Paul Foundation for his project “Grant Support for the Memphis Music Education Summit.”