University of Memphis Joins Clinical Trials Network of Tennessee (CTN2)

We previously announced that The University of Memphis is partnering with Clinical Trials Network of Tennessee (CTN2), a state-wide clinical trial facilitator, to aid faculty and collaborating investigators and institutions in designing, soliciting, and conducting clinical trials of high integrity across campuses and institutions in Tennessee. Actively supported by leadership and PIs in all UT Health Science Center colleges, CTN2 is a 501(c)(3) subsidiary of the UT Research Foundation (UTRF), governed by a board representing participating institutions (including hospital systems and large practice plans) to enhance state-wide multi-site clinical trials involving UTHSC faculty and participating institutions. The University of Memphis is now moving forward with the agreement and becoming the 18th CTN2 partner. Current CTN2 network partners include Meharry Medical College, Campbell Clinic, Regional One Health, Baptist Clinical Research Institute, Endocrine Clinics and Research, Memphis Veterans Affairs, and the UT Medical Center among others.

Dr. Brian Evans, Manager of Strategic Research Initiatives in the Division of Research & Innovation, will serve as the University of Memphis’s representative on the CTN2 Board that is made up of hospital chief medical officers, executive directors of research foundations, and others with clinical and executive research responsibilities.

If you would like to know more about CTN2 and the resources that will be available through University of Memphis’s membership, please visit their website at www.CTN2.org, or contact Evans at bevans8@memphis.edu.