Research Awards

November 2023

Dr. Ashish Joshi, Dean and Distinguished Professor in the Department of Public Health, was awarded $2,070,952 from the Shelby County Health Department with the Centers For Disease Control (CDC) for his project “Data Modernization Project.”

Dr. Hasan Ali, associate professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, was awarded $1,000,000 from the University of Arkansas with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for his project “DHS/FEMA-CTG 23: Cybersecurity Issues with Operational Technology and Distributed Energy Resources.’

Dr. John Sabatini, distinguished research professor in the Institute for Intelligent Systems, was awarded $410,438 from the U.S. Department of Education (US DoEd) for his project “Developing and implementing a technology-based, reading comprehension instruction system for adult literacy students.”

Dr. Chrisann Schiro-Geist, professor in the Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Research, was awarded $394,351 from the U.S. Department of Education (US DoEd) for her project “Topic Area 6: Project FIRST (Finding Innovative Rehabilitation Services Training).”

Dr. Brian Waldron, associate professor of Civil Engineering and director in the Center for Applied Earth Science and Engineering (CAESER), was awarded $300,000 from the Tennessee Technological Advancement Consortium (TTAC) Pilot for his project “TDEC stormwater management.”

Dr. Lan Wang, Dunavant Professor in the Department of Computer Science, was awarded $270,915 from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for her project “IPA- Dr. Lan Wang”.

Dr. Brandt Pence, associate professor in the Department of Health Sciences, was awarded $230,207 from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for his project “Determining the contribution of microbial-derived metabolites to immunosurveillance in obesity-driven cancer risk.”

Dr. Anzhelika Antipova, associate professor in the Department of Earth Sciences, was awarded $200,000 from the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) for her project “Applying Induced Travel Study in Urban Areas in Tennessee.”

Dr. Hongmei Zhang, professor in the Department of Biostatistics and Director of the EBE Division, was awarded $178,255 from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for her project “Clusters of Epigenetic Networks at Birth and Asthma Incidence in Children,” and $64,658 from the Department of Veterans Affairs for her project “IPA with VA for statistical analysis.”

Dr. Stephanie Ivey, professor and associate director of the Division of Transportation and Logistics with the Center for Applied Earth Science and Engineering Research in the Department of Civil Engineering, was awarded $160,000 from the Federal Railroad Association (FRA) for her project “Women in Rail,” and $38,000 from the Women's Foundation for a Greater Memphis for her project “Girls Experiencing Engineering 2022-23.”

Dr. Yufeng Zhang, assistant professor in the College of Health Sciences, was awarded $156,213 from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for his project “Collaborative Research: RoL: Understanding the rules of honest signaling.”

Dr. Bernie Daigle, associate professor in the Department of Biological Sciences, was awarded $143,900 from New York University (NYU) with the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) for his project “Advancing Precision Psychiatry for Military Service-Related PTSD by Enhancing Knowledge of Clinical Subtypes and their Endophenotypes.”

Dr. Amy Abell, associate professor in the Department of Biological Sciences, was awarded $138,455 from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for her project “Development of an animal model to test Hdac6 as a drug target to reduce and/or prevent fetal growth restriction.”

Dr. Edith Gnanadass, assistant professor in the Department of Higher & Adult Education, was awarded $132,728 from the Memphis Fire Department for her project “MFD Professional Development Assessment & Training.”

Dr. Hai Trieu, director of Technology Commercialization in the Department of FedEx Institute of Technology, was awarded $80,000 from Launch Tennessee for his project “Tennessee Technological Advancement Consortium (TTAC) Pilot.”

Dr. Meghan McDevitt-Murphy, professor in the Department of Psychology, was awarded $67,294 from the University of Virginia with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for her project “The effectiveness of text-based messaging strategies for preventing subsequent problematic alcohol use among technical trainees in the U.S. Air Force.”

Dr. Randolph Dupont, professor in the Department of Criminal Justice, was awarded $45,000 from the City of Memphis Police Department (CMPD) with the State of Tennessee for his project “City of Memphis Police CIS.”

Dr. Wei Lyu, assistant professor in the Department of Public Health, was awarded $16,098 from the University of Iowa with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for his project “Spillover Effects of Medicaid Dental Coverage Expansions on Health Status.”

Dr. Emerson Bowers, associate professor in the Department of Biological Sciences was awarded $3,250 from Graduate Women in Science for his project “Parental care of host and parasitic young: an experimental test.”

Dr. Gloria Carr, associate professor in the Loewenberg College of Nursing and Acute, Chronic, and director of the Division of Continuing Care Science, was awarded $2,500 from the Tennessee Nurses Foundation for her project “Social Determinants of Health - Work Environment: Implications for Mental Health, Moral Injury, & Burnout Among TN Nurse Educators in Higher Education.”