Showcasing Research Nationally

Network of not-for-profit media outlets publishing research news

The Conversation is a nonprofit, independent news organization that publishes short articles by academics on timely topics related to their research. Their mission is “to promote truthful information and strengthen journalism by unlocking the rich diversity of academic research for audiences across America.” These articles are regularly reposted by large national outlets such as The Washington Post, Time, Newsweek, CNN, Scientific American, and others. The Conversation is also partnered with The Associated Press and Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc, which allows their articles to be picked up by local newspapers. Many UofM faculty have been authors for The Conversation, and below are some recent articles published through the platform from our own faculty: 


Want to write for The Conversation? You can sign up for their newsletter here to see what topics they are soliciting, or you can pitch a story here after signing in/creating a free account. Learn more on their website.

If you have any other questions, contact Research Development at researchdev@memphis.edu.