Academic Journal, Quaesitum, Making Strides
UofM celebrates 10th Edition of undergraduate research journal.
Quaesitum, the University of Memphis' academic journal for undergraduate researchers to publish their work, is celebrating the publication of their 10th edition. "Quaesitum" is a Latin term denoting that which is sought as the objective of inquiry and strives to provide a venue for the inquisitive endeavors of UofM authors who will in turn prompt curiosity in readers. Students from all academic disciplines are showcased in Quaesitum and faculty reviewers with specialized knowledge and experience publishing in the author's area of research contribute suggestions for refining manuscripts, along with the editorial staff of the journal. Editorial Staff include Dr. Sage Graham, professor of English and co-founder, and Dr. Melinda Jones, Honors College Director and co-founder.
Quaestium is getting ready for its 11th volume. Any student who has conducted research as an undergraduate at the UofM is eligible. Submissions can be from any discipline – we want to showcase all of the research around campus. In the past, we have published papers from STEM, History, Anthropology, Philosophy, Psychology, English, Judaic studies, Business, Hospitality and more.
Since this is a research journal, the primary requirement is that submissions should analyze some kind of data (broadly defined). Submissions will be accepted at any time, but the deadline for Volume 11 is January 19, 2024. If you want to check out previous issues or talk about whether a paper is a good fit, check the Quaesitum webpage or contact us at
Over the first decade, Quaesitum has worked with hundreds of students from all disciplines to showcase the research they do and look forward to the next 10 years.