Supporting Research Growth for New Faculty
The Division of Research & Innovation will hold new faculty orientation.
The Division of Research & Innovation is holding a half day new faculty orientation event to introduce new faculty members to the research funding lifecycle and highlight the services and support offered by R&I. Following a lunch sponsored by the FedEx Institute of Technology and an introduction by the Executive Vice President of Research, the orientation will highlight services provided by Research Development, Research Compliance, and Research Enterprise Services that including pre-award and post-award support. The event will delve into the specifics of the research funding process and research in the local community and region to help foster the growing research ecosystem at the University of Memphis.
This program highlights the professional development opportunities that are developed and offered by the Division of Research & Innovation. A calendar of upcoming professional development and training opportunities is available on the University of Memphis research website >>
The research website also contains a repository of past training events and materials available on the Division of Research & Innovation training archive online available here for review >>
As a reminder, we will be posting sign-ups for future training and posting funding opportunities on the University of Memphis InfoReady site >>
If you have ideas or would like for certain topics to be covered in future workshops and training opportunities, contact Research Development at – we look forward to hearing from you.