ACRE Issuing an RFP | Deadline August 30

The center is soliciting applications for faculty research grants relevant to agriculture and conservation science and education


The Institute for Agricultural and Conservation Research and Education (ACRE) is soliciting applications for faculty research grants. These grants are open to all faculty from any college or department on campus, but research must be relevant to agriculture and conservation science and education. Collaboration with other academic and community partners is encouraged. 

The goals of these grants are to (1) extend and expand research capacity for faculty and trainees, (2) develop preliminary data for future projects, (3) enhance student training and broaden participation, (4) support scientists at undergraduate and graduate levels, and (5) establish new collaborations and partnerships.

Awardees will be required to provide a final report of activities funded and will be asked to attend the annual ACRE symposium. Funds can be used for salary support for students, post-baccalaureates, technicians, and research assistants, but may not be used for faculty/PI salary support. Funding may also be used for materials and supplies, and travel funds that are justified will be considered.

Maximum Award Amount: $5000

Application Deadline: August 30, 2024; Applicants will be notified by November 2024.

Application Materials

  • Project Summary (2 pages)
  • Works Cited
  • Itemized Budget
  • Detailed Budget Justification

All application materials will be submitted through the InfoReady platform here.

Project Period

Projects should be deliverable within a 12-month timeframe, and all resources should be expensed within 18 months of the transfer of funds. A final report will be due within 30 days of the end of the project period.

Review Criteria

Proposals will be reviewed by ACRE leadership with input from domain experts. Proposals that are successful will be able to both conduct research effectively and build wider momentum for the University as a leader in agriculture and conservation.

Email acre@memphis.edu for any questions regarding this funding opportunity, and read the full call for proposals and apply for the opportunity here.