Issues Addressed by Senate and Outcomes

These issues must be brought before the Issues & Review Committee for consideration. If warranted, this information will be presented to the entire Senate.

Staff Evaluations.

Status: The Senate sent the following resolution to President Raines in May 2007: The process for resolving issue(s) related to a non-faculty performance evaluation should be written and available on the Human Resources website.

Faculty/Staff Background checks.

Background checks on staff hires are moving forward. Over 300 have been done to date. They are proving useful. Academic Affairs is still looking into a means of effectively conducting background checks of prospective faculty members.

Status: Criminal background checks are in place for everyone.

Raises for CPS certification and degrees.

The university does have a mechanism in place for raises for employees passing the CPS test.

Status: As of June 2005, there will be a one-time monetary payment for the first degree (undergraduate or graduate) earned by a staff member while employed by the University (see UM Policy 1586).

Parking Fee Allocation.

We are seeking to establish how funds are appropriated for various parking needs (re-surfacing, re-striping, new construction, lighting etc). When fees are raised, we want to be sure that funds are being used equitably and appropriately.

Status: Has been referred to the President’s Executive Council.

Childcare for staff.

Could regular staff and/or faculty have access to child care on campus? This service is available to students, both during the day and evening. Is it possible to provide this service to a broader community?

Status: Has been referred to the President’s office.

Sick Leave Abuses.

Should staff employees be able to use Sick Leave Bank hours for "planned" medical concerns such as planned pregnancies or elective surgery? It has been suggested that this may have happened.

Status: A representative from Human Resources made a presentation to the Staff Senate clarifying the proper use of the Sick Leave Bank.

Parking fee increase.

An employee complained that there should be some break for handicapped employees paying the priority parking fee. They have to pay an annual handicapped parking fee for use of the University handicapped parking.

Status: It has been determined that faculty and staff are being asked to pay fair and reasonable fees for access to parking in priority lots.

Computer Accessibility for Physical Plant Personnel.

Status: We researched the ability of PP&P personnel who do not have regular access to computers, and who need to read/print out pay stubs. We found that these employees do, in fact, have adequate access to computers and printers. They also have regular access to training and on-the-spot assistance for this equipment.

Health Center Costs.

The issue was raised that fees were charged to staff member for a routine blood pressure check. Should this sort of service carry fees for staff members?

Status: It was determined that the Health Center is funded through Student Activity Fees. They have established nominal fees for staff members which are fair and reasonable.

Omnibus Bill Passes--Addresses state employee' issues.

  1. State Insurance – The language which would have allowed the Finance Commissioner to change the state’s obligation for health care premiums was deleted and will remain at the 80% rate.
  2. 90-day Notice – The language which would have waived all or part of the 90-day law for employees who are affected by a layoff was amended. The new language would allow the Administration to give a minimum of 30 days notice if the Rainy Day Fund falls below $100 million dollars.
  3. Sick Leave Bank – The language which would have allowed administrative costs to be taken from the Sick Leave Bank days donated to help ill employees was deleted.

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