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Director's Lunch n Learn (DLNL)

Enhance knowledge of child development, business management, recruitment & marketing, supervision, and regulations. Director's Series includes (3) 2-hour workshops on child development, business management, recruitment & marketing, supervision, and regulations.  Certificates will be awarded after each session. You must be currently employed working with young children to register for the each Wednesday session separately. 

Sessions will be held Winter and Spring 2020.  Check for updates. 

Early Care & Learning Professionals Series (ECLP)

This professional development opportunity is designed to support a workforce that works directly with children in early childhood care settings. This training has been specifically designed for early childhood caregivers who provide center based and in-home services to families with children ages 0-4. The goal of this training series is to bring awareness to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and how implementing nurturing and best practices to supplement the knowledge you already have will raise awareness and commitment to promoting safe, stable, nurturing relationships with children and their families.

The ECLP series was an 8-week program held on Saturdays compiled of (5) 4-hour workshops and (2) on-site video coaching sessions to make up the 8-week program. This training series has ended.  If you were a program participant, please contact the office for current training opportunities. 

Click for a downloadable copy of Early Care and Learning Professionals Participating Programs.

Empowering Early Childhood Educators Conference Series

 Summer 2019 | Fall 2019 | Spring 2020

Check Eventbrite for the Latest conference news and events. 

 CCR&R, Porter-Leath, TECTA, TOPSTAR and the University of Memphis have collaborated to host early childhood conferences three times a year, Summer, Fall and Spring addressing training needs of the Shelby County early childhood community with specific learning tracks and bonus sessions.