July Talks by Prof. Dasgupta
Posted on 2018-08-08
Prof. Dipankar Dasgupta, director of the Center for Information Assurance, gave several invited talks in July.

He delivered a keynote speech on July 15 at the ACM Workshop on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation in Defense, Security, and Risk Management (SecDef @ GECCO 2018). The conference was hosted at Kyoto TERRSA in Kyoto, Japan. On July 17, he also presented his patented research on Adaptive Multi-Factor Authentication (A-MFA) at iChain, a company in Tokyo, Japan that is currently applying blockchain technology for insurance portfolio management.
On July 23, Prof. Dasgupta attended the 8th Annual International Conference on Accounting and Finance, where he chaired a session and presented a research paper on "Analysis of Multi-Market Stock Data to Find Exchange Dominance" based on the multi-disciplinary research at the U of M's Financial Infrastructure Stability and Cybersecurity (FISC) Center. This conference was hosted in Singapore from July 23-24.