Reginald Martin
Patterson 441
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MFA, Norwich University
Ph.D., University of Tulsa
Academic Summary
Dr. Martin specializes in Composition and African American Literary Theory.
- WINNER, African American Educator of the Year Award, 2012
- WINNER, African American Educator of the Year Award, 2012
- FINALIST, Alumni Association Award for Engaged Scholarship and Alumni Association Award for
- Research in the Humanities, 2014
- NOMINEE, Distinguished Teaching Award
- A Deeper Shade: The Best in Black Erotica. Editor. NY: BlueMoon , February 2006.
- Everybody Know What Time It Is. New Orleans: UNOPress, October, 2010.
- "The Iconography of Ray Charles." Popular Culture and Its Icons. NY: Greenwood P., 2006. [Invited; International].
- "The Accomplishment of Ishmael Reed." Ishmael Reed: A Lifetime of Dissent. Cambridge Scholars Press: England, 2007. [Invited; International].
- "Phonemic Meaning in the Poetry of Anne Sexton." Black Magnolias 3:1; pages 29-47. Spring 2009.
- "Notzake Shange and Ishmael Reed." American Icons. Greenwood Press, (2010) [Invited; International].
- "African/Cherokee Relations and Folk Arts." Black Magnolias. (Fall 2010). [Invited; National].
- "Transcultural Theory and It's Beginnings." Black Magnolias. (Spring 2011; Summer 2011 Special Issues.) [Invited Submission and Editorship; International].
- "African American Males and Communication." International Social Sciences Conference. New Orleans, LA: June 2011. [Invited].
- "An Interview with Arthur Flowers" & "Bibliography of Arthur Flowers." Valley Voices. Fall 2011. [Invited].
- "Transcultural Theory and Black Males." Conference Proceedings. Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences. July, 2012.
- "A Whole New World: African American Transcultural Theory and New Readers Reading." International Social Sciences Conference. Barcelona, Spain. July 2012. [Invited].
- "Understanding the New Black Fiction." Eyeball: 2:7. St. Louis. June 2003. Interview. [Refereed; Invited; National].
- "This Not Fiction." Black Magnolias 3:2, pp. 98-103. Summer 2009. [Refereed; Invited; National].
- "After Reading Cecil Brown's Poem about His Grandmother." "Three Images from a Self-Photograph." "A Son Remembers a Death and the Definition of Naturalism." Epiphany at the Fast Food Restaurant." "At the Club." "No Heart in the Heartland." "Bottomland Conversation." "Algebra: or Signed Reflections on the Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas Affair." "On the Death of my Cousin, Edward, Age 40." Black Magnolias. 2:2. pp. 24-37. Summer 2003. [Refereed; Invited; National].
- "Spring Sunrise Blues." Black Magnolias. Summer 2009. [Refereed; Invited; National].
- Acts I and II of Everybody Knows What Time It Is. [from Dr. Martin's novel of the same name]. Black Magnolias. May 2014. [Invited; refereed].
- "Reading and Life." Annual African American Read-In. University of Memphis. January 2006.
- "The Novels of Ishmael Reed." International Tribute to Ishmael Reed. Howard University, Washington, D.C. February 2006. [Invited; International].
- "Aaron McGruder and the New Hip Hop Activism." Memphis. November 2006.
- "Langston Hughes and the Sexuality of the Harlem Renaissance." Modern Language Association, Philadelphia, PA. December 2006. [Invited; International].
- INTRO & PRES: Bill Cosby Speaks at LeMoyne-Owen College. Memphis.December 2006.
- "Faith Based Grant Writing for 501-c3 Organizations." Trigg Ave. Baptist Church. May 2007.
- "Literacy and Technology for the Urban, Minority Youngster." Modern Language Association, Chicago. December 2007. [Invited; International].
- "Richard Wright's New World." Wright Symposium. Rust College, Holly Springs, MS. January 2008. [Invited; Keynote].
- "The African Americanist Archive at the Benjamin L. Hooks Memphis Public Library." October 2008.
- "The Iconography of Ray Charles Lyrics." TN Phil. Association Conference, University of Memphis. February 2009. [Refereed].
- "Lost Gendered Opportunities: Women's Studies Curricula in the Beginning: Anne Sexton and Germaine Greer." International Conference on Gender. Rhodes College, Memphis. March 2009. [Refereed].
- "The Future of Technology and Diversity Assessment." National Association of Multicultural Rehabilitation Concerns. Memphis. August 2009.
- "New State Testing Rubrics." East Middle School, Fayette County, TN. August 2009.
- National Black Family Reunion Address. "The Past Towards the Present." Memphis, August 2009.
- "Re-Assessing No Child Left Behind: A Comparative Model." African American Literature Symposium, Dept. of English, University of Memphis. October 2009.
- "New African American Fiction and Publishing." AWP. Denver, CO. April 2010. [Invited; Refereed; International].
- "Visions of a Future South." Delta Symposium. University of Memphis. June 2011.
- "Thoughts on Leroi Jones' Dutchman. National Civil Rights Museum. May 2012. [Invited].
- "Transcultural Theory at Its Beginning: Black Male Voices for a New World." Conference Proceedings. Hawaii International Studies Conference. June 2012.
- "A Whole New World: African American Transcultural Theory and New Readers Reading." International Conference on Social Sciences. July 2012. [Refereed].
- "The Infinity of Anti-War Statements in Ishmael Reed's Flight to Canada [1978]. College Language Association, New Orleans. March 2014.
- With the Youth Opportunity Memphis Program, a series of workshops emphasizing test-taking techniques for writing well under the timed environments that compose standardized TCAP and ACT testing periods. (August 2005 - May 2006).
- "Improving Standardized Writing Test Scores through the Full Thesis Concept." Fairley High School. (March 2007).
- "The University/High School Collaborative: Paradigms for Improving the Writing in the Memphis City Schools." Project concerns the ability to teach better writing for Tennessee Senior Exit Examination to Fairley High School and YO Academy Students Using a Critical Thinking Paradigm. (May 2007).
- "The University/Junior School Collaborative: Paradigms for Improving the Writing in the Fayette County Schools." Project concerns the ability to teach better writing for Tennessee Gateway and ACT Examinations to East Junior High School Students Using a Critical Thinking Paradigm. (May 2008 – June 2011).
- "The University/Junior School Collaborative: Paradigms for Improving the Writing in the Fayette County Schools." Project concerns the ability to teach better writing for Tennessee Gateway and ACT Examinations to East Junior High School Students Using a Critical Thinking Paradigm. (May, August 2008-10).
- CHAIR, Local Arrangements Committee, SCMLA, Memphis, TN, November 2007.