Application Procedure

We are pleased to offer an online application for the Governor's School for International Studies (GSIS). All applications for GSIS must be completed online. There will be no need to mail, fax, or email any forms or materials. 

Interested students should contact their high school guidance counselor and provide their name and email address, the name and email address of a parent/guardian, and two faculty names who will provide recommendations. Guidance counselors must initiate the nomination and application process.

Deadline for applications: January 19, 2024.  PLEASE NOTE: The application process for the 2024 program has closed.  All students with completed applications were informed on March 1 of their acceptance status.

Nominate a Student

Steps for completing the application 

1. Current TN high school sophomores and juniors communicate their interest in the program to their high school guidance counselor. The counselor starts the nomination process using the link above and supplies information regarding the student's personal and academic information such as names, email addresses, class rank, class size, numerical test scores, etc. A transcript is also required. There are no minimum GPA requirements, but competitive applicants will have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. PSAT, SAT, and ACT scores are not mandatory, but school administrators are strongly encouraged to include this information if available.

2. Students receive an emailed link to supply supplemental information, including answering two short 200-word essay questions and providing a list of accomplishments. 

3. Parent/guardian will confirm that they have seen the student's application materials and are permitting the student to apply to the program.

4. Two named faculty will receive an emailed link to a confidential recommendation form. Suggested recommenders include Social Studies/History teachers and Foreign Language teachers.  

5. All information will be verifited by the guidance counselors who submit a confirmation of fully completed applications to GSIS.

Questions about GSIS and the application process can be emailed to gsis@memphis.edu.