Scott P. Marler
Associate Professor
2016 Thomas W. Briggs Foundation Award for Excellence in Teaching
Ph.D., History, Rice University, 2007
Fields of interest
U.S. history, esp. twentieth-century politics; the South; political economy. My 2013 prize-winning book focused on the business community of nineteenth-century New Orleans. I am currently working on the prevalence of conspiratorial tropes on the American Right since the New Deal.
Courses taught
HIST2010 US History to 1877; HIST2020 US History since 1877; HIST3840 US Constitutional History; HIST3070 Conspiracy Theories in America; HIST3930 The South since the Civil War; HIST4074/6074 US Political History
Representative publications
- “Conspiracy Theories: An Academic Cottage Industry” [featured review essay] American Historical Review, April 2020, 600-604
- “Steampunk for Historians: It’s About Time,” Perspectives: The Magazine of the American Historical Association, December 2018
- "Interchange: The History of Capitalism," Journal of American History 101 (September 2014)
- The Merchants's Capital: New Orleans and the Political Economy of the Nineteenth-Century South (Cambridge University Press, 2013) [This book won the 2013 Kemper and Leila Williams Prize, which is awarded by the Louisiana Historical Society and the Historic New Orleans Collection for the best book on Louisiana history.]
- "Two Kinds of Freedom: Mercantile Development and Labor Systems in Louisiana Cotton and Sugar Parishes after the Civil War," Agricultural History 85 (Spring 2011): 225–51
- "'A Monument to Commercial Isolation': Merchants and the Economic Decline of Postbellum New Orleans," Journal of Urban History 36 (July 2010)
- "'An Abiding Faith in Cotton': The Merchant Capitalist Community of New Orleans, 1860-1862," Civil War History 54 (September 2008)
- "Stuck in the Middle (Class) With You" [on Jonathan Daniel Wells, The Origins of the Southern Middle Class], Historical Methods 39 (Fall 2006)
- "Après le Déluge: New Orleans and the New Environmental History," Journal of Urban History 32 (March 2006)
- "The Economics of Reconstruction" [with Peter A. Coclanis], in A Companion to the Civil War and Reconstruction, ed. Lacy K. Ford (Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Publishers, 2005)
- "Fables of the Reconstruction: Reconstruction of the Fables," Journal of the Historical Society 4 (Winter 2004)
Honors and Awards
2016 winner of the Thomas W. Briggs Foundation Award for Excellence in Teaching
2013 Kemper and Leila Williams Prize for Best Book in Louisiana History