Promoting Success in Undergraduate Mathematics through Graduate Teacher Training

Promoting Success in Undergraduate Mathematics

Promoting Success in Undergraduate Mathematics through Graduate Teacher Training (PSUM-GTT) is a collaborative and muti-faceted grant between The University of Memphis, Auburn University and University of Colorado Denver.

  • Here at the UofM,
    • Dr. Irena Lasiecka is our PI on this grant which was spearheaded and
    • originated by Dr. John Haddock, presently Emeritus Professor at UoFM.
  • The PI from University of Colorado Denver is Dr. Michael Jacobsen, and
  • The PI from Auburn is  Dr. Melinda Lanius.

With this project, our aim is to help our GTAs become better instructors and tutors through writing journal reflection entries, attending seminars offered by the three institutions, peer mentoring by more experienced GTAs in the department and attending the GTA Teacher training course (MATH 7960) in the second semester of their first year.

On May 12-12, 2023, The UofM Department of Mathematical Sciences hosted a two-day conference beginning with dinner at the UofM Holiday Inn on May 12 and then an all day gathering with GTAs and faculty from the three institutions on Saturday, May 13. There are too many people to adequately thank for their help in this conference, but we want to say thank you to the staff at the Holiday Inn on campus, our Department Office Staff and especially all of the GTAs that participated and shared their thoughts and experiences at this event.

The program of the Workshop PSUM in MEMPHIS in May with more information. Click here for details.