SJP Workshop

Starting in spring 2019, The Southern Journal of Philosophy, in conjunction with The University of Memphis and Wiley Publishing, will host an annual themed mini-conference. Workshops will aim to bring cutting edge thinking to both classical and contemporary topics, with an eye to encouraging bold new directions in philosophical thought.

Each event will combine keynotes by world famous scholars with competitively selected work. Additionally, 2-4 graduate students will be selected each year in a parallel competition to deliver lighting round talks during the workshop. The main proceedings will be published together each year in the final issue of the corresponding volume of the journal.

Participants will spend a day and two nights in Memphis, with all room and board paid covered. Participants must arrive Thursday before the opening keynote at 6PM. They may depart at their leisure after the concluding banquet Friday evening.


The 2023 SJP Workshop: Fanon and Phenomenology

Call for Papers

March 31, 2023

Keynote Speakers

Alia Al-Saji | “Touching the Wounds of Colonial Duration: Fanon and an Anticolonial Critical Phenomenology of Affect”
March 31 at 9:45am

Lewis R. Gordon | “Fanon’s Approach to Phenomenology and Psychoanalysis”
March 31 at 4pm

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The 2022 SJP Workshop: Early Modern Social Justice

April 08 - 09

Samuel Fleischacker | “Once More Unto the Breach: Kant and Race”
April 08 at 2pm

Susan James | “Learning to Live More Equitably: Early Modern Explorations”
April 08 at 4pm

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The 2021 SJP Workshop: The Ethics of Big Data

April 09, Virtual (via Zoom) 

Josh Fairfield | "Future Ethics: Adapting Human Norms in the Face of Runaway Technology"

Michael Lynch | "Social Media and Bald-faced Lies"

View Conference Webpage

The 2020 SJP Workshop:  Cancelled due to Covid-19

The 2019 SJP Workshop: The Epistemology of Justice

March 22, Fogelman Executive Center

Elizabeth Anderson | "The Epistemology of Justice"
4PM – Fogelman Auditorium 123

Chris Lebron | "The Sense and Sensibility of Equality"
2:15PM – Fogelman Auditorium 123


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