Safety Information
Police Services is providing a number of safety-related links for your information and review. Please use the menu at the left to browse these materials.
Police Services always strives to be respectful, courteous and professional in all communicatioons and contacts with the community we serve. Through our partnership, we are dedicated to fulfilling our mission to make the University of Memphis a safer place to learn, work, live and visit.
To ensure the integrity of the department while protecting the rights and interests of both community and department members, it is the policy of Police Services to investigate all reports of substandard service and complaints against its employees. Any person who whitnesses, or has direct knowledge of, substandard service or employee misconduct may file a complaint with Police Services. Anyone who files a complaint will be treated in a respectful and professional manner.
Police Services views all complaints againts its employees seriously, and pledges to actively pursue investigations into reports of substandard service, including allegations of misconduct. For this reason, community members must ensure that their complaint is based on fact and must provide the department with all of the facts to the best of their knowledge. Deliberately providing false information could result in administrative disciplinary action ( for students, faculty, and staff) civilland criminal legal proceedings.
Complaints may be made in person, in writing, or by telephone. To file a complaint/ report of substandard police service you may:
- Come by our office in the Zach Curlin Garage ( next to parking) and meet with a supervisor; or
- Submit a written complaint by letter. Letters may be delivered to our office or mailed to
Dear Campus Community:
While we go to great lengths to ensure our University is safe and secure, we are not
immune from problems, including crime, that affect other universities and cities.
Nationally, there has been a surge in catalytic converter thefts over the last two
years and we have seen a few thefts on campus. Locally there has been a surge in car
break-ins, with thieves smashing windows and taking some items, but generally these
thieves are searching for weapons. Remember that weapons are prohibited on campus
and should never be left in vehicles in general. In addition, vehicle thefts have
started to rise with thieves using code programmers (which usually resemble a computer
tablet) to program key fobs to start and operate the vehicles they are stealing.
We are working with the Memphis Police Department and other agencies as similar suspects and suspect vehicles have been seen in multiple locations across the metro area in relation to thefts.
Suspects have been seen operating stolen vehicles and using tags stolen from other vehicles. Please check and make sure your vehicle tags have not been switched. Report your tags as stolen if they are missing or have been switched.
Additionally, please secure all items out of plan view in your vehicle:
- Phone
- Purse or wallet
- Laptop (or its bag)
- A briefcase or backpack
- Shopping bags
- Cash – yes, even loose change/coins
We ask that you call Police Services at 901.678.4357:
- you hear glass breaking;
- you hear any cutting or tool/mechanical noises in the parking lots;
- you see anyone with a floor jack or other means to lift vehicles in the parking lots;
- if you notice any group loitering in the parking lots;
- or you see suspicious vehicles circling through lots, bypassing open parking spaces
Remember the three A's of crime prevention:
- Be Aware of your surroundings.
- Be Alert to suspicious people and vehicles.
- Avoid situations you perceive as dangerous.
Utilize Campus Resources:
- Log in to Everbridge and update your information including your preferred method of communication, quiet hours, weather alerts, and more! You may also download Everbridge (Apple or Android) for app notifications.
- Utilize the Tiger Patrol/Police Services on-campus escort program by calling 901.678.4663 (678.HOME) for an escort anywhere on campus available from sunset to sunrise. At Lambuth, call 731.412.9413 for police or an escort.
- Familiarize yourself with the location of campus emergency telephones, both indoor and outdoor. View the emergency/safety phone map >
- Utilize the Blue Line shuttle in the evening. The Blue Line operates from 7 a.m.-11 p.m., Mon – Thurs, and from 7 a.m.-5 p.m. on Fridays. Learn more and view the routes >