Online Sexual Assault Prevention Training

The University of Memphis requires that all currently enrolled students complete an annual online Sexual Violence Prevention training. This training will help students develop critical skills to make thoughtful and appropriate choices outside the classroom; become aware of key University policies and community values; reflect on knowledge, attitudes, and experiences; support peers as they navigate new situations; and contribute to building a University campus environment that promotes healthy, respectful interpersonal relationships and prevents the occurrence of sexual misconduct and violence.

If you have any questions, please review the FAQs below. If your question is not answered, then please reach out to us at preventiontraining@memphis.edu.


How can students access their training?

Students will be invited to take the training through an email sent to their UofM Email Account. Training for students typically takes place in August and early September.

What is the length of the training?

Average time to complete is 75 minutes. The training is self-paced and can be completed in multiple sittings.

Does every student have to take the training?

Federal law requires that the UofM provides sexual assault prevention training to its entire student population. Given the size of our student population, online training is the only way to ensure that every student has had the opportunity to engage with this content, know about important campus and community resources, and understand campus expectations regarding conduct. Although there are no penalties for non-completion, it is incredibly important each student completes the training.

If a student has concerns about taking the training due to previous exposure to sexual or domestic/ dating violence, please contact us at preventiontraining@memphis.edu to seek a waiver from taking the course.

What are the technical requirements for the training?

Students can use Chrome, Firefox, or Safari for Apple Computers to complete the online training. For Windows Computers, please use Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer 11. Trainings will work best with the latest versions of each browser.

Are the trainings accessible?

Trainings are designed to be accessible under the ADA (Titles II & III), Section 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, and the accessibility standards set forth by the W3Cs Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.

What if I took a similar training at another University or as a faculty/staff member?

Students who took a similar training at another University recently (in the last year or so) can contact preventiontraining@memphis.edu and provide verification that they took the training at another institution. Students will still be responsible for knowing and adhering to our policies regarding sexual misconduct.

If you have a dual role as a faculty/ staff member and student, but your role is primarily as a faculty/staff member, you do not have to take the student training offered in the Fall semester. Faculty/staff members take a separate training in the Spring semester. Please email us to remove you from the student training.

Additional questions?

If you have any additional questions about the training, please contact the Office for Institutional Equity's Prevention Center at preventiontraining@memphis.edu.