Arabic Teaching Council

The Department of World Languages and Literatures is pleased to be collaborating with regional K-12 teachers of Arabic on the Midsouth Arabic Teaching Council.  The council serves as a center for offering professional development opportunities for teachers of Arabic in Memphis and across the southeast of the United States.  Created in 2020, the center will offer its first workshop in October 2020 (information below), and will continue to develop opportunities and materials to enhance the teaching of Arabic in our region.

2021-2022 Workshops

The Arabic Teaching Council at the University of Memphis is pleased to offer the following workshops.  To receive the invitation to the Zoom meeting for any workshop, please contact the Department of World Languages and Literatures at wll@memphis.edu.  Conditions permitting, some workshops may be held in person, and updated information will be posted here.

All workshops will take place from 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Central Time, unless otherwise indicated.

October 30, 2021

اختبارات اللغة البديلة

Alternative Language Assessments

Video of Workshop

November 27, 2021

تدريس مهارة الاستماع

Teaching Listening Skills

Video of Workshop

January 29, 2022

تكييف تطبيقات الوسائط الحديثة في أنشطة تعلم اللغة الثانية

Adaptation of New Media Applications into Second Language Learning Practices

Video of Workshop

March 26, 2022

موارد أساسيّة في تعليم العربيّة

Essential Resources for Teaching Arabic

Video of Workshop

April 23, 2022 (Starting at 2:00 p.m.)

تعليم مهارة التحدث لغير الناطقين بالعربية

Teaching Arabic speaking skills

Video of Workshop

May 28, 2022 (Please note corrected date)

تدريس المفردات وتوظيف النظريات اللغوية للناطقين بغير العربية

Teaching Arabic vocabulary using Modern Theories

Video of Workshop

Past Workshops

October 31, 2020

تطوير مناهج تدريس اللغة العربيّة لغير الناطقين بها وتصميم الخطّة الدّراسيّة

Developing Arabic language curriculum for non-native speakers and Designing course syllabi for Arabic learners

November 28, 2020

تدريس العربيّة لوارثي اللغة

Teaching Arabic for Heritage Learners

Link to YouTube video of workshop

January 30, 2021

Arabic heritage speakers' grammar: pedagogical implications

Link to YouTube video of workshop

March 27, 2021

التّعامل مع مناهج تدريس العربيّة لغير النّاطقين بها

Dealing with Arabic teaching curricula for non-native speakers

Link to YouTube video of workshop

April 24, 2021

الاستراتيجيّات المستخدمة في تدريس العربيّة لغير الناطقين بها: النّظرية والتطبيق

Strategies for teaching Arabic to non-native speakers: theory and applications

Link to YouTube video of workshop

May 29, 2021

انتقاء نصوص القراءة لغير الناطقين بالعربيّة

وتدريس قواعد اللغة العربيّة لغير الناطقين بها

Selecting reading texts and teaching Arabic grammar for non-native speakers of Arabic

Link to YouTube video of workshop