Masters of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering

EECE offers graduate studies in Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering. Please follow the links below for more information.

Graduate Calendar

Masters Procedures (links to information and forms)

  1. During your first semester, find a major advisor, and if you are doing Thesis fill out the Committee Composition Form.
  2. When filling out the Masters Candidacy Form, follow the instructions for admission to candidacy.
  3. All MS students are required to take a Comprehensive exam, which is an oral exam administered by the committee for the thesis or project. The comprehensive exam must be assessed for SACS accreditation found at the link above.
  4. Both the thesis and project option require a defense. Typically, the comprehensive exam is administered after the defense. The thesis defense must be assessed for SACS accreditation found at the link above.

Students should submit both printed and electronic versions of forms to  office ES206, eece_workorders@memphis.edu