CAS Research Instrumentation & Technology Initiative (RITI)
The College of Arts & Sciences launched a new Research Instrumentation program in 2016. In 2023, CAS expanded the program to include technology needs. The program requires combined CAS and Department contributions to purchase the following research instrumentation and technology:
2024 Recipients
Over $150K in Department and College funds were leveraged to improve research instrumentation and technology in the College of Arts and Sciences.
Typically, the Department Chair serves as PI of the proposal and collates Department needs to CAS. Each Department is required to show significant support for the purchase in terms of matching funds.
This year, the recipients of the CAS-RITI were:
- Department of Chemistry, Dr. Paul Simone, PI (Department: $3297; CAS: $4947; Total $8244)
- Center for Earthquake Research and Information, Dr. Vadim Levin, PI (Department: $4522.80; CAS: $6784.20. Total: $11,307).
- Department of Earth Sciences, Dr. Arleen Hill, PI (Department: $15,250; CAS: $50,750. Total: $66,000).
- Department of Mathematical Sciences, Dr. Thomas Hagan, PI (Department: $17,765; CAS: $17,765. Total $35,530)
- Department of Psychology, Dr. Melloni Cook, PI (Department: $15,000; CAS: $16,548.30. Total $31,548
Department of Chemistry
Chemistry purchased two items through the CAS Research Instrumentation Initiative. The first set of items upgraded and modernized the data system for their Perkin Elmer Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer. This upgrade ensures researchers have access to the necessary tools for high-quality research. The second item is a purchase of a -85 °C freezer used by their researchers to store dry ice. Both purchases reflect the ACSEND strategic plan to strengthen the research enterprise and be responsible stewards of our financial resources.
Center for Earthquake Research and Information
Research activities at the Center for Earthquake Research and Information (CERI) revolve around the primary measurements of various physical parameters, presently including short-term (seconds to hours) ground motion sensed by seismometers, long-term (months to years) ground deformation observed using global navigation signal receivers, and recent addition of observations of the strength and rates of change in electrical and magnetic fields observed with dedicated instruments. Operation of these instruments in locations away from human settlements is most often a requirement for obtaining data with low levels of interference from engines, wires and foot traffic. This, in turn, requires engineering solutions to provide power to the observing and recording instruments and deliver observed data to CERI for archival and analysis. The engineering staff of the seismic monitoring network of CERI perfected a design of a weather-proof enclosure with solar power and cellular network modem transmission of data. Funds awarded to CERI will be used to create a supply of pre-made field deployment packages for a variety of sensing technologies. The availability of these pre-made packages will enable exploratory and educational deployment of various sensors that CERI already owns in areas within the mobile network coverage (that is, most of the continental US). Examples of use would be a) fast-response observations when regional earthquakes occur; b) environmental observations of ground motion in response to public concerns (e.g., a rock quarry on the edge of Nashville); c) short-term deployment of instruments in the course of an educational project (e.g., in the context of a class on Earth science or on instrumental observations and data analysis); d) public outreach events – as a demonstration of modern observatory capacity.
Department of Earth Sciences
The Department of Earth Sciences was awarded funds for a portable gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence measurement system. The tool integrates high-precision gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence measurement capabilities to provide real-time, detailed data on plant physiological processes, including photosynthesis, respiration, and transpiration. These detailed measurements are invaluable for addressing critical questions in plant science, particularly as they relate to climate resilience and ecosystem dynamics. The acquisition of this instrument not only expands our research capabilities and leverages the transformative Micro X-ray Fluorescence (µXRF) spectrometer recently obtained through the NSF Earth Sciences Instrumentation and Facilities award. Earth Sciences teamed with collaborators in Biology, City and Regional Planning, the Institute for Agricultural and Conservation Research and Education (ACRE), and the School of Public Health to identify this instrumentation priority and to contribute funds for the investment.
Department of Mathematical Sciences
The Department of Mathematical Sciences has received funding to create a digital seminar room that will enhance collaborative research in Mathematics and Statistics. This innovative space is designed to foster interaction and knowledge exchange among researchers, providing an engaging environment for online seminars, virtual workshops, and collaborative projects. It enables local researchers and students to connect with participants worldwide, expanding the reach and impact of local research beyond the campus. The seminar room will feature cutting-edge audio-visual technology, presentation boards, flexible seating, and dedicated workspaces to support in-depth discussions, collaboration, and interdisciplinary and discipline-specific dialogue, all without the limitations of geographical distance.
Department of Psychology
The Department of Psychology was awarded funds to purchase a new Cryostat. As noted in the proposal, this equipment replaces an old, problematic cryostat that has exceeded its recommended operational lifespan. The new cryostat is an essential and high-precision instrument for research labs that require detailed tissue analysis. By combining a microtome within a refrigerated chamber kept at ultra-low temperatures (often between -20 and -30°C), the cryostat allows sectioning of thin, consistent slices of biological tissue, often less than 10 mm thick. In our behavioral neuroscience (BN) labs, the new instrument will continue to be used to section mouse brains for multiple purposes, including verification of electrode placements and infusion sites. Such histological analyses are necessary for all experiments utilizing electrophysiological techniques and for experiments involving viral vectors (such as those using DREADDS, optogenetics, and calcium imaging). The BN faculty in the Psychology Department use all of the above-mentioned techniques and applications. Thus, the cryostat directly supports the core work in our research area and has contributed to nearly all publications from our labs. Further, training students (undergraduate and graduate) to use the cryostat equips them with a transferable skill in high demand across various research fields, making them more marketable for future labs and career steps.
Previous Year Awards
2023 PurchasesDepartment of Anthropology, Dr. Wesley James, PI (Department: $4000; CAS/DRI: $12,096; Total $16,096) Department of AnthropologyThe Department of Anthropology, in conjunction with the Department of Sociology and Center for Community Research and Evaluation, was awarded funding to purchase licenses for upwards of 20 users of MAXQDA, a mixed-methods data analysis software that enables researchers to analyze text documents, audio, video, images, social media, and surveys. The acquisition of these software licenses will assist numerous researchers across the three departments to analyze their research faster and more efficiently. This is not only a significant upgrade for faculty and research staff, but for graduate students as well, as many of them will utilize the software for their practicum projects. In addition to the enhanced research capabilities that MAXQDA provides, it will be utilized in the classroom as a training tool for students at all levels. This is a valuable tool for many in the social sciences. Department of Biological SciencesThe Department of Biological Sciences was awarded funding to purchase an experimental controlled growth/rearing equipment. As Dr. David Freeman noted in his proposal, the acquisition of this new equipment allows enhanced and expanded capacity for Biology researchers and trainees to carry out cutting edge molecular biology through live organism growth/culture work. The growth rearing chamber provides a flexible architecture that facilitates configuration, expansion, and customization. It also provides precise, simultaneous control of up to 7 environmental parameters in a contained chamber. Department of Earth SciencesThe Department of Earth Sciences was awarded funds for two instruments, SPEX Shatterbox and Katanax Fusion Fluxer. Together these instruments extend the capacity enhancement of a previous investment which brought the ICP-MS online (partnership between Departments of Chemistry, Earth Sciences, and CAS). The SPEX Shatterbox is crucial for pulverizing and homogenizing samples and preparing them for subsequent (geo)chemical analysis. The Katanax fusion fluxer, designed for fusing those powdered rock, soil, or sediment samples, provides a means of sample preparation ready for ICP-MS analysis. The acquisition of a shatterbox and fusion fluxer, will optimize ICP-MS use across diverse disciplines beyond Earth Sciences and Chemistry, benefiting History, the School of Public Health, and CAESER. Geochemical analysis of Earth materials provides crucial data for environmental research that includes soil nutrient cycling, soil health and heavy metals, aquifer contaminant mobilization, geoarchaeology of natural hazards, and assessing the integrity of the Memphis aquifer. These instruments will also provide geochemical data used for: reconstructing past environments related to hominin evolution, trace and rare earth element mapping of sedimentary basins, water-rock interaction studies in hydrogeology, heavy mineral mapping in river systems, lithic sourcing, and forensic analysis of bone samples. This strategic investment positions the university as a leader in Earth materials analysis through the combined capabilities of sample powdering, flux methods, and ICP (Inductively Coupled Plasma) spectroscopy analysis. Department of EnglishThe Department of English was awarded funding as part of its ongoing effort to establish a Digital Media Lab (DML) in Patterson 229. The purchase of equipment, specifically AI Software, a Haptic Suit, and a Facereader, will facilitate ongoing research within the English Department that will—as it already has in the past—lead to interdisciplinary research projects that further develop the intellectual and scholarly potential of the campus writ large. The research projects include 1) Artificial Intelligence and Language/Writing, 2) Visual Discourses of Violence, and 3) Futures Research into Computer-Mediated Writing and Rhetorical Delivery. These studies not only have intrinsic value, but they also help with the development of instruction, pedagogy, and curricular design, and expand the department’s programming in digital humanities. Department of Physics & Materials ScienceDr. Firouzeh Sabri and the Department of Physics & Materials Science requested support for a lock-in amplifier system and a Kelvin probe system. These two systems will expand the materials science characterization capabilities of the department and will allow for rapid analysis and testing of material properties. The amplifier system will allow for measurements of a very weak optical signal, which is converted into an electrical signal as low as 2 nV. Such a sensitivity is required to conduct state -of-the-art experiments. The Kelvin probe is a key instrument for analyzing the effects of radiation exposure of materials and its effect on surface charge/ energy level. These parameters play an important role in cohesion and adhesion of various components to the surfaces under investigation. |
2022 PurchasesThis past year, CAS Interim Dean, Dr. Gary Emmert, was pleased to continue the CAS Research Instrumentation Initiative grant opportunity to advance research across the laboratory sciences. Over $280K in Department, CAS and Division of Research and Innovation funds were leveraged to improve research instrumentation in the Natural Sciences. Dean Emmert extends his gratitude for our partners in the Departments and Dr. Jasbir Dhaliwal and the Division of Research and Innovation for helping to make this year’s CAS-RII a success. Five awards were made in 2022. Typically, the Department Chair serves as PI of the proposal and is charge of collating Department needs to CAS. Each Department is required to show significant support for the purchase in terms of matching funds. This year the recipients of the CAS-RII were:
Department of Biological SciencesThe Department of Biological Sciences was awarded funding to purchase a ThemoFisher SeqStudio Genetic Analyzer and a ThermoFisher MaxQ 4000 Shaker. As Dr. David Freeman notes in his proposal, the acquisition of the SeqStudio Genetic Analyzer will allow researchers to conduct their own sequencing and fragment analysis in-house (rather than sending samples to an outside company to analyze for a fee) and provide better assurance of data quality. The instrument will be used during genomics course-based undergraduate research experiences and offered to local/regional researchers for a service fee. The ThermoFisher MaxQ 4000 Shaker will enhance cloning and gene-editing capabilities, and for cell culture, solubility studies, extraction procedures, protein expression, plasma purification, hybridizations, bacterial suspensions, and staining and destaining procedures. Center for Earthquake Research and Information (CERI)The Center for Earthquake Research and Information (CERI) was awarded matching funds to purchase a Magnetotelluric Telemetry (MT) System and Acoustic-Seismic-Optic Monitoring System. The new MT system will allow for long-term resistivity investigations of the crust and mantle which complements other geophysical methods based on seismic, gravity, and magnetic measurements and will be used by multiple researchers working on earthquake hazards, tectonics, and geologic structure within CERI. The multi-functional acoustic-seismic-optic monitoring array will find broad application in monitoring non-earthquake seismic sources such as floods and mass movement events, and have broad applicability to problems in hydrology, seismology, hydrogeology and volcanology. Department of ChemistryThe Department of Chemistry was awarded funding to make three purchases to increase research capabilities: (1) a cell culture hood and aspirator, (2) installation of an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) donated by MLGW Water Quality laboratory, and (3) preventative maintenance service for the two ultra-pressure liquid chromatography systems on the liquid chromatograph-tandem mass spectrometers housed in the chemistry department. The cell culture hood will be installed in Smith Chemistry room 325 (the cell culture room) to replace an older hood that is longer able to maintain a contaminant free environment, resulting in frequent contamination of cell cultures and loss of research effort and time. The Aspiration system will remove cell culture liquids. The ICP-MS system in Smith Chemistry Room 006 will be upgraded for use by several researchers from Chemistry and Earth Sciences to analyze metals in environmental samples, and in forensic and fossil soil samples. The final award is to cover preventative maintenance for two, distinct ultra-pressure liquid chromatography (UPLC) with tandem mass spectrometer (MS/MS) systems, systems critical in analysis of a wide range of organic and inorganic compounds in both environmental samples and for new compounds synthesized by researchers in the chemistry department. Department of Earth SciencesThe Department of Earth Sciences was awarded for two instruments, a Bettersizer S3 Plus particle size and shape analyzer and a PerkinElmer Elan 9000 Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS). The ICP-MS was acquired in partnership with the Department of Chemistry (described above); Earth Science faculty will be able to use the ICP-MS to quantify modern and fossil soil chemistry for quantifying nutrient cycles, to reconstruct past climates, to quantify elemental ratios used for grain-size proxies in paleoflood studies, to evaluate groundwater pollution, and to evaluate heavy metal contamination in urban soil, among other uses. The Bettersizer combines laser diffraction and image analysis to measure the diameter and shape of individual particles in wet dispersion. Particle size and shape represent a crucial dataset in a broad range of environmental research and objectives, including reconstructing past stream velocities that transported sand particles and using particle size and shape to estimate the hydraulic conductivity of groundwater. Department of Physics & Materials ScienceDr. Firouzeh Sabri and the Department of Physics & Materials Science requested support for a HPC Server and Gamma-ray Source. The purchase of a specialized high-performance computing (HPC) server will support the work of data scientists and provide dedicated computational resources for theoretical and computational research. The server will allow for significant computational resources to develop open-source simulation code, analyze simulation outputs, and test new simulation methods. The new gamma-ray source will be used in Dr. Mishra’s laboratory spectrometer, and available for use by both undergraduate and graduate students in the materials science. Congratulations to all our CAS-RII recipients this year! |
2021 PurchasesSix awards were made this past year. The Department Chair serves as PI of the proposal and is in charge of collating Department needs to CAS. Each Department is required to show significant support for the purchase in terms of matching funds. This past year, despite the many challenges we faced, CAS Dean, Dr. Abby Parrill was pleased to continue the CAS Research Instrumentation Initiative grant opportunity. This was done to stress the CAS’s dedication to research. Even in difficult and challenging times, the focus on research is imperative to achieving and maintaining our share goals. Almost $236K in Department, CAS and Division of Research and Innovation funds were leveraged to improve research instrumentation in the Natural Sciences. Dean Parrill extends her gratitude for our partners in the Departments and Dr. Jasbir Dhaliwal and the Division of Research and Innovation for helping to make this year’s CAS-RII a success. 2021 recipients of the CAS-RII were:
The Department of Biological Sciences requested funding for a ultra-low temperature freezer for sample preservation and a Utility Terrain Vehicle for field use. These requests are in support of the Edward J. Meeman Biological Station, a venue devoted to research and education in ecology, environmental biology, and natural history. As Dr. David Freeman indicates in his proposal, the area and habitat diversity of this site, in addition to its proximity to the main campus, make Meeman an ideal location for field research. However, the station’s complexity and size also introduce logistical challenges, including (i) the preservation of samples at ultra-low temperatures and (ii) the ability to traverse the station efficiently. Enhancing these would greatly benefit research at the station. The CAS-RII partnership will greatly benefit the ongoing research at the station and minimally will impact at least six current research projects and more faculty members. The Center for Earthquake Research and Information (CERI) was awarded matching funds to purchase a Ground Penetration Radar System for Field Deployment. Their proposal was a joint venture between Earth Sciences and Civil and Environmental Engineering. According to Dr. Langston, the new system will complement and enhance current Ground Penetrating Radar systems already present in Engineering, adding significant detail and much improved resolution to their current abilities. The system is ideal for mapping bedrock, fault identification, aquifer depth, geotechnical characterization and buried archaeological feature identification. Dr. Paul Simone notes that the Department of Chemistry was able to purchase two instruments aimed at increasing research capabilities. The first was an Elemental Analyzer enable provide our department with the capability to undertake combustion analysis of research samples. This method of characterization is often required for publication of new synthetic materials. Prior to this award, U of M researchers outsource this work and this was costly. The second instrument purchased was stereomicroscope to support new departmental initiatives in forensic chemistry led by new faculty member, Dr. Michael Brown. This device can be used to determine the average thickness and morphology of the cortical bone samples which can then in turn be related to postmortem interval. It can also be used in the analysis of latent fingerprints using visible and fluorescence microscopy. This microscope will allow for detailed images and basic chemical data prior to more extensive chemical analysis using chromatographic and mass spectrometric methods. The Department of Earth Sciences requested funds to purchase a stereomicroscope geared toward depth imaging and 3-D spatial evaluations of geological samples. This instrument is ideal for determining the size and shape of individual mineral grains down to the micron scale. According to Dr. Arleen Hill, quantifying such parameters is essential for geochronology and thermochronology studies focused on determining rock and mineral ages used for tectonic determinations. In addition, funds were requested to enhance the department’s capabilities in using Drones to accomplish 2D and 3D imaging applied to mapping/surveying and multispectral imaging for identification of archaeological features and biogeographical applications such as agricultural inspections/plant health analysis. The Department of Psychology was awarded matching funds to support the purchase of a SomniSuite Anesthesia Module and Fear Conditioning Modules with Fusion Node and software. According to Dr. Melloni Cook and Dr. Randy Floyd, the SomniSuite Anesthesia Module is used for gas anesthesia which is required for a variety of techniques employed in the Behavioral Neuroscience research labs, including electrode and cannula implantation, optogenetics, and self-administration. Their existing unit was a decade-old and a new modern was needed which includes several advances over their old unit. The Fusion Node system is an intermediary between sensors and the Fusion software system. Each fusion node can connect a single device (such as the fusion fear conditioning module) to a stimulus hub. This device is essential to experiments focused on learning and development. Dr. Firouzeh Sabri and the Department of Physics & Materials Science needed assistance with supporting the repair of their Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The SEM is an essential piece of equipment used for micron scale materials sciences studies and surface characterization. It images a surface by focusing a bean of electrons on the surface. SEMs have been used for many years to image physical and biological samples. The Department instrument is being repaired to serve on-going projects while members of the Department and CAS prepare to replace the aging instrument. Congratulations to all our CAS-RII recipients this year! |
Three awards were made this past year. The Department Chair serves as PI of the proposal and is in charge of collating Department needs to CAS. Each Department is required to show significant support for the purchase in terms of matching funds. 2020 recipients of the CAS-RII were:
According to Dr. Charles Langston, Director for CERI was able to purchase a field deployable Electrical Resistivity System, upgrade the large format plotter and scanner and purchase a field deployable Lacoste-Romberg Gravimeter. The electrical resistivity system is a joint venture between CERI and CAESER and the Department of Earth Sciences and will be a valuable addition to field research efforts of the faculty in those units. The plotter/scanner is used by all faculty, students, and staff at CERI. The gravity meter is a welcome addition to the CERI field laboratory and is to be used primarily in research with additional educational impact. Dr. Henry Kurtz, Chair notes that the Department of Chemistry was able to purchase three instruments aimed at increasing research capabilities. The first was Flash Chromatograph system which automatically performs chromatographic separation of complex mixtures of organic and inorganic compounds. It is of particular use in Dr. Tim Brewster’s research laboratory but also impacts the work of faculty and graduate students working in synthetic organic chemistry. The second instrument purchased was a Near Infrared Spectrometer It measures the absorptions at wavelengths in the range of 900 nm-2500 nm, which allow for the observation of intervalence charge transfer processes a variety of organic and organic molecules, and can be used for spectroelectrochemistry. This instrument is particularly useful to the research efforts of Dr. Kensha Clark and Dr. Xuan Zhao. The third instrument funded was a Isothermal Titration Calorimeter that measures thermodynamic parameters of molecular recognition events in aqueous buffers (protein-ligand binding, protein-protein interactions, etc). The instrument is useful to several members of the Department of Chemistry and also the Department of Biological Sciences. Dr. Dan Baker is the point person for this request. Finally, Chemistry requested support for the purchase of an auto-tuner for the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer which impact multiple groups in the Department and across campus. Dr. Ted Burkey, Dr. Charles Garner, Dr. Dan Baker and Dr. Truc Chi Pham brought together the request. According to Dr. M. Shah Jahan, Interim Chair, the Department of Physics & Materials Science was able to upgrade their existing Electron Paramagnetic Resonance spectrometer and maintain their nationally recognized contributions in multiple areas including food science, biomaterials, free radicals, defects in solids, radiation effects in solids, reactive oxygen species (ROS), nanomaterials, to mention a few. In addition to impacting the work of members of their own Department, researchers in Chemistry and Environmental Engineering will also find important uses as well for the refurbished EPR facility. In addition, Dr. Firouzeh Sabri (new Department Chair) and Dr. Jahan also requested funds to complete a digital upgrade for the EPR system. Additional funds requested and matched by Dr. Sanjay Mishra were used to purchase a new X-ray tube for the X-ray diffractometer and for purchase of a new Raman Spectrometer. Both of these instruments are used by Dr. Mishra as well as other researchers in Physics, Earth Sciences, Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering with potential uses in Chemistry. Congratulations to all our CAS-RII recipients this year! |
Six awards were made this past year. The Department Chair serves as PI of the proposal and is in charge of collating Department needs to CAS. Each Department is required to show significant support for the purchase in terms of matching funds. 2019 PURCHASESCERI: 60-node Zland Gen2 Seismic Data Acquisition SystemMore details soon Chemistry: FlexStation 3 Multi-Mode Microplate ReaderThe FlexStation is an 8-channel automated pipettor that can read mutiwell plates in absorbance, luminescence, fluorescence and fluorescence polarization modes. Details on the FlexStation Chemistry: Tycho NT.6 Nanotemper Differential Scanning FluorimeterThe Tycho NT.6 measures the change in intrinsic fluorescence of tyrosine and tryptophan residues in protein samples. Details on the Tycho NT.6 Nanotemper Differential Scanning Fluorimeter Earth Sciences: Global Positioning System )One Trimble Geo7 unit and 15 Trimble TDS 100 units)These GPS units allow for rapid mapping and spatial data collection for a wide range of field applications. Read the Usage Policy Physics: High energy kHz laser system for optical spectroscopyThe laser system allows for the measurements of physical and chemical processes that occur at nanosecond to microsecond time scales. Additional details for the laser system. Physics: Seebeck Unit-Thermoelectric power MeasurementThe system can provide information about the sign of the majority carrier, the mechanism of charge conduction, and in conjunction with appropriate theoretical models, information on the band structure of the material under investigation. Details on the Seebeck Unit |
Three awards were made this past year. The Department Chair serves as PI of the proposal and is in charge of collating Department needs to CAS. Each Department is required to show significant support for the purchase in terms of matching funds. 2018 PURCHASESChemistry: The Lab Strong FI-STREEM System:Instrumentation for Preparation of Ultra-High Purity Reagent Water for Analytical, Biochemical, Environmental and Materials Chemistry Research (Full documentation on the Lab Strong FI-STREEM System) -View Details of the FI-STREEM System Physics: Bright/Dark field Nikon microscope system for optical measurements of single nanostructuresInstrument Capabilities and Usage Policy Physics: Surface Area AnalyzerInstrument Capabilities and Usage Policy |
Five awards were made this past year. The Department Chair serves as PI of the proposal and is in charge of collating Department needs to CAS. Each Department is required to show significant support for the purchase in terms of matching funds. 2017 PURCHASESCERI: 14TB ZFS supermicro file serverThis file server is used as a common resource for CERI Mac, Linux, and SunOS computers for data storage. An extensive amount of research performed by students in the Center for Earthquake Research and Information (CERI), the department where the equipment is housed, is data intensive and the department was at 75% of storage capacity. The server is supplying additional data needs for graduate students and faculty on CERI IT systems. Read additional Information on the File Server and CERI's Computing Policy Chemistry: NanoSight LM10 Nanoparticle Analysis System and gold target to be used with AJA Orion 5 Sputter System (AJA Au Target)Major features and specifications The management team Example of research use Computer Science: Powerwolf cluster to enable cybersecurity research not suitable on the university HPC system, and use of virtual machines to support multiple operating systemsUnique Capabilities (not available on university's cluster)
Hardware Summary The computer science cluster is provided by PSSC labs and is called the Powerwolf cluster. It is housed at the McWherter Library Computer room (309). It consists of one master node and 8 compute nodes. The cluster has a lot of room to expand in the future and users are encouraged to contribute nodes. Contributed nodes would have guaranteed availability to the contributors. The specification of a qualified contributed node is determined by the department with a typical cost between $3000 and $4000. Total CPU cores: 180 (160 for compute nodes); total memory: 640GB (512 GB for compute nodes); total disk space: 33.9TB. Earth Sciences: PhaseOne IQ40 Digital Back for digital integration of Hasselblad V system camera and lensesThe PhaseOne IQ140 digital back is used with a medium format camera (Hasselblad V system) to take high resolution images. The digital back's 50MP (8272 x 6200 pixels) CMOS (complementary-metal-oxide-semiconductor) sensor is twice the size of a full frame 35mm digital single lens reflex sensor, which means the information capture is twice that of a conventional 35mm sensor. The digital back captures 65MB on average in RAW format. The camera system, including various lenses (50mm, 80mm, and 120mm) and the digital back, will be used to photograph archaeological, geographical, and geological landscapes and sites, as well as artifacts, cores, and various specimens. Additional information can be found at this link. Physics: Time-resolved single photon counting and low temperature photoluminescence systemsThe TCSPC system includes two very sensitive detectors (PDM photodiodes with 30 ps time resolution, single photon sensitivity), a reference photodiode (TDA 200), and an electronic timing box (Picoharp 300, 4 ps time resolution).This TCSP system offers a powerful capability to the optical study of the broad areas of physics, materials science, chemistry, and biology. Read additional information about this instrument. |