Mark Freilich

About Dr. Freilich
B.S. Chemistry from Brooklyn College of the City
University of New York (1966), Ph.D. in Physical-Inorganic Chemistry from
Purdue University (1974)
Postdoctoral Research Assoc. San Diego State University 1976-77
Alumni Association Distinguished Teaching Service Award (200?)
2012 Thomas W. Briggs Foundation Award for Excellence in Teaching
Campus organizations
Advisor to SM-ACS; Harry Potter Club
"Potassium Compounds," with R. L. Petersen, Kirk-Othmer Concise Encyclopedia of Chemical
Technology, 4th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., pp.1631-33, 1999.
"Science Activities for Teachers and Families to Explore With Young Children," with
S. Wali Abdi and Satomi Izumi Taylor, Dimensions of Early Childhood, 1998, 26, 31.
"Calcium Compounds - Survey," with R. L. Petersen, Kirk-Othmer Concise Encyclopedia
of Chemical Technology, 4th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., pp. 307-8, 1999.
"Molecular Structure," invited manuscript, Encyclopedia of Chemistry, Macmillan Publishing
Company, 1997.
"Developing Interactive Computer-Based Instruction for Teaching Science: An Interdisciplinary Team Approach," with G. R. Morrison, S. M. Ross, T. D. Nance, and R. L. Petersen. Tech Trends.
"Potassium Compounds," with R. L. Petersen, invited manuscript for Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 4th Edition, Volume 19.John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1996.
"Calcium Compounds - A Survey," with R. L. Petersen. Invited manuscript for Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 4th Edition,Volume 4. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1992.
"Provocative Opinion: David vs. the Philistines or, How the CPT and Faculty Unwittingly Conspire to Minimize the Number of Chemistry Majors," J.Chem. Educ. 1990, 67, 214.
"Frequent Quizzing, the Final Exam and Learning - Is There a Correlation?" J. Chem. Educ. 1989, 66, 219.
"Provocative Opinion: Let's Separate Theories from Calculations," J. Chem. Educ. 1988, 65, 442.
"None of Them Is Unimportant - A Student Evaluation of Teaching Techniques," J. Chem. Educ. 1983, 60, 218.
"Chemical Kinetics: The Effect of Surface Area on Reaction Rate," with Mark S. Felice. Demonstrations. J. Chem. Educ. 1978, 55, 34.
Book Review: The Principles of Inorganic Chemistry, by Wm. Jolly, J. Am. Chem. Soc.
1977, 99, 7102.
Chapter equivalents - software (authored, edited)
"Colligative Properties," narrative lesson (equivalent of interactive manuscript)
including simulation laboratory experiments in ActivChemistry, Version 1.5, Benjamin/Cummings,
Glossary, ActivChemistry, Version 1.5, Benjamin/Cummings, 1998.
Edited all lessons for accuracy, ActivChemistry, Version 1.5, Benjamin/Cummings, 1998.
"Enhancing On-Campus GOB Chemistry with Online Components," co-authored with R. Bowery, 18th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education,July 2004.
"State Mandated Assessment of General Education: Threat or Opportunity," co-authored and presented with R. Frankle, S. McPhee, H. A. Griffin and T. Dalle, 38th Annual Conference of the Association for General and Liberal Studies, October 1998.
"Dynamic chemistry: A CD-ROM-Based Laboratory Simulation Engine for Instruction and Exploration in General Chemistry," co-authored with J. Reeves, D. J. Bogner, N. Devino, B. J. Hood, K. Karakotsios and A. Scanlan-Rohrer, presented by J. Reeves at 14th Biennial Conference On Chemical Education, August 1996.
"Jump Starting the Chemistry Teacher On the Net," co-authored and presented with Larry J. Blanchard, Warren Easton High School, New Orleans, LA, 211th American Chemical Society's National Meeting, March 1996.
"CD-ROM: Flexible Resource In Hypermedia Instruction," co-authored with J. Reeves, C. R. Ward, D. J. Bogner and A. Scanlan-Rohrer, presented by J. Reeves, 211th American Chemical Society's National Meeting, March 1996.
"Integration of the Scholarship of Teaching Into Faculty Roles and Rewards: Implementing A Task Force Recommendation," with J. Ivan Legg, one of four invited papers in the on-line conference, "Faculty Rewards: Can We Implement the Scholarship of Teaching?" presented by the Div. Chem. Educ. of the A.C.S. and the Educ. Res. and Methods Div. of the Am. Soc. Eng. Educ. October 11-27, 1995.
"Dynamic Chemistry, Combining Hypermedia Lectures, Learning Laboratories and Flexible Student Assignments," co-authored with J. Reeves, R. Jones, D. Bogner and A. Scanlan-Rohrer, presented by J. Reeves at 210th American Chemical Society's National Meeting, August 1995.
"Interactive Animations Of Atomic/Molecular Behavior: Critical Attributes And Tracking
Student Usage Of Software Modules," co-authored with Richard L. Petersen and Gary
R. Morrison, poster presented at 209th American Chemical Society National Meeting,
April 1995.
"Visualizing the Microworld: Learning Chemistry Through Interactive Computer Animations of Atomic and Molecular Behavior," co-authored with, and presented by R. L. Petersen, 207th American Chemical Society National Meeting, March 1994.
"Computers, Videodiscs and Other Strange Notions in Freshman Chemistry," seminar presented at Tech Fest, St. Mary's Episcopal High School, Memphis, TN, March 1994.
"If I Give My Students Quizzes, Will They Do Better On The Final?" presented at the 204th American Chemical Society National Meeting, August1992.
"A Summer Workshop on Chemical Demonstrations - Improvements We Would Make," co-authored with R. L. Petersen, poster presented at the 201st American Chemical Society National Meeting, April 1991.
"Policing the Environment: A Convergence of Need and Opportunity," co-authored with, and presented by M. B. Blankenship, American Criminal Justice Society Annual Meeting, March 1991.
"Taking Tests and Learning Chemistry: Phase II," poster presented at the 11th Biennial Conf. on Chemical Education, August 1990.
"Establishing Links Between High School and Pre-High School Science Teachers Through Chemical Demonstrations Workshops," with R. L. Petersen, poster presented at the 11th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, August 1990.
"Undergraduate Research As A Writing Intensive Course For The Generally Educated Chemistry
Student," with R. L. Petersen, poster presented at the11th Biennial Conf. on Chemical
Education, August 1990.
"Taking Tests and Learning Chemistry," poster presented at the 9th Annual Undergraduate
Chemistry Conference, Memphis, TN, February, 1989.
"Taking Tests and Learning Chemistry," poster presented at the 10th Biennial Conf. on Chemical Education, August 1988.
"Chemical Demonstrations for the Middle School Classroom," with R. L. Petersen, Tennessee Science Teachers Association Meeting, Nashville TN, November 8, 1991.
"An In-Service Workshop on Chemical Demonstrations" (for Shelby County, TN, high school chemistry teachers) with R. L. Petersen, Houston High School, September 20, 1991.
"Current Technology As Tutorial Aids in Chemical Education" workshops presented to in-service local high school science teachers on Unity In Science Day(s) at MSU (January 1990, 1991 and 1992)
"Chemistry Tests and Learning Chemistry" Seminar, Western Kentucky University Chemistry Department, March 15, 1991.
"Chemistry Tests and Learning Chemistry" Seminar, Memphis State University Chemistry Department, October 12, 1990.
"Is There Any Connection Between Taking Tests and Learning Freshman Chemistry?" Seminar, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, March 12,1990.
"Chemistry Tests - Do They Show What We Know?" Seminar, University of Tennessee at Knoxville, September 18, 1989.