Faculty Senate Appointed Representatives on External Standing Committees

The Faculty Senate is asked to appoint representatives to serve on a number of administrative committees. To ensure effective representation of University of Memphis faculty views, faculty who are approved by the senate to serve as faculty representatives are expected to (a) attend meetings of the committee to which they are appointed, (b) when possible, notify and seek the advice of the senate before voting on major committee issues, and (c) submit brief summary reports to the office of the senate following committee meetings so that all faculty can be informed of committee activities.

In acknowledgement of these duties, each faculty representative completes an Agreement to Serve as Faculty Representative form.

Senate-appointed faculty representatives currently serve on the following administrative committees.

Office of the President

President's Council
Dr. DeAnna Owens-Mosby (2023 – 2025)

Office of the Provost

Honorary Degree Committee

Jaqueline Bowen Buford

Graduate Grade Appeals Committee

Stephen Karr

Chrisann Schiro-Geist

Undergraduate Grade Appeals Committee

Culeta Byars

Ben Smith

University Undergraduate Council

Eli Andrew Jones

University Council for Graduate Studies

Reba Umberger

Division of Business and Finance

Facilities & Service Committee

Leah Windsor

Robert J Seals

Faculty Sick Leave Bank Committee

Sanjay Mishra

Gladius Lewis

Information Technology Division

Information Security Advisory Committee

Leah Windsor

Teaching & Learning Advisory Committee

Scott Vann

Enterprise Systems Advisory Committee

Sandeford Schaeffer

Division of the Research and Innovation

University of Memphis Research Council

William Alexander, Chair

Reza Banai

Srikar Velichety

Jessica Jennings

Francisco Muller-Sanchez