Dr. Kristen Jones accepted for publication in the Journal of Organizational Behavior

For release:  February 9, 2017

Dr. Kristen Jones, assistant professor in the Department of Management, recently had an article accepted for publication in the Journal of Organizational Behavior (JOB). The article is entitled "Isms and schisms: A meta-analysis of the prejudice-discrimination relationship across racism, sexism, and ageism." Dr. Jones co-authored the article with Dr. Isaac E. Sabat, Texas A&M University, Dr. Eden B. King, George Mason University, Dr. Afra Ahmad, Zayed University, Dr. Tracy C. McCausland, associate behavioral scientist at RAND Corporation, and Dr. Tiffani Chen, principal of Tiffani R. Chen Organizational Psychology Consulting.

Racism, sexism, and ageism persist in modern day organizations and may translate into workplace discrimination, which can undermine organizational effectiveness. The authors provide the first meta-analysis comparing the relationships between these three types of prejudice (racism, sexism, and ageism) and three types of workplace discrimination (selection, performance evaluation, opposition to diversity-supportive policies). Across outcomes, racism was associated with workplace discrimination, whereas sexism was not. Ageism was associated with discriminatory selection and opposition to organizational policies supporting older workers; however, ageism was not related to discriminatory performance evaluation. Consistent with prior research and theory, Implicit Association Test (IAT) measures were related to subtle discrimination (opposition to diversity supportive policies) but not deliberate discrimination (selection and performance evaluation). Finally, prejudice was more strongly associated with discrimination against real as compared to hypothetical targets. Implications for organizational researchers and practitioners are discussed.

"Dr. Jones and her colleagues use a quantitative synthesis method known as meta-analysis to examine an important organizational problem, prejudice and discrimination in the workplace. Our department is so pleased to see Dr. Jones' research published in a premier scholarly journal in management," said Dr. Chuck Pierce, chair of the Department of Management.