Dr. Zabihollah Rezaee published in Sustainability Journal

For release:  February 20, 2018

Professor Zabihollah Rezaee, Thompson-Hill Chair of Excellence and professor of Accountancy, published a paper entitled, "Supply Chain Management and Business Sustainability Synergy: A Theoretical and Integrated Perspective," in the Sustainability Journal.

The paper suggests integration of sustainability performance into supply chain management. Business sustainability enables the integration of financial economic sustainability performance and non-financial environmental, social, ethical, and governance sustainability performance dimensions into the corporate culture, supply chain management, and business models in creating shared value for all stakeholders. Business literature has provided mixed evidence of the tension, and possible link, between financial and non-financial sustainability performance dimensions and sustainability theories. However, they have yet to sufficiently address this tension. The paper attempts to fill this void by shedding light on the link between various dimensions of sustainability performance, their integrated effect on creating shared value for all stakeholders, and their implications for supply chain sustainability. The paper examines the synergy between business sustainability and supply chain management by presenting a framework consisting of sustainability theories, sustainability performance dimensions, sustainability shared value concept, and sustainability best practices. Companies can use the suggested framework in integrating both financial and non-financial sustainability initiatives into their supply chain sustainability from production design, purchasing and inbound logistics, and manufacturing process to distribution and outbound logistics.