Christina Friedlaender




PhD Candidate, Philosophy, The University of Memphis
M.A. Philosophy, Binghamton University – SUNY, 2015
B.A. Philosophy (Honors); B.A. Women's Studies, magna cum laude, Portland State University, 2012


AOS: Social and Political Philosophy, Feminist Philosophy, Social Ontology
AOC: Ethics, Applied Ethics (esp. Bioethics), Philosophy of Mind/Phenomenology


Title: Shared Agency and Structural Oppression: The Ethics of Social Reality Management
Committee: Deborah Tollefsen (chair), Shaun Gallagher, Lindsey Stewart, and Luvell Anderson (Syracuse)
Defense: March 2020


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:

(2018) "On Microaggressions: Cumulative Harm and Individual Responsibility." Hypatia. DOI: 10.1111/hypa.12390
• Received Recognition as Top 20 Most Downloaded Paper for Hypatia, 2017-2018.

Book Chapters and Encyclopedia Entries:

(Forthcoming) "Microaggressions and The Problem of Attributional Ambiguity." In the Routledge Handbook of Social and Political Philosophy of Language, edited by Justin Khoo and Rachel Sterken. (Invited)

(Forthcoming) "A Defense of Intentional Microaggressions and Microaggressive Harassment: The Fundamental Attribution Error, Harassment, and Gaslighting of Transgender Athletes," with Rachel McKinnon. In Microaggressions and Philosophy, edited by Lauren Freeman and Jeanine Weekes Schroer. (Invited)

(2018) "Resisting Oppression Together: Shared Intentions and Unequal Agents." In Collectivity: Ontology, Ethics and Social Justice, edited by Kendy Hess, Violetta Igneski, and Tracy Isaacs. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. (Invited)

(2017) "Collective Intentionality," with Deborah Perron Tollefsen. Philosophy of Mind and Psychology. Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online. DOI: 10.4324/0123456789-W056-1

Edited Collections:

(In Progress) Guest Editor with Leonie Smith. Journal of Applied Philosophy, Special Issue: "Collective Agents and Global Structural Injustice."

Select Presentations:

"An Adaptive Theory of Microaggressions." Panel: TBA. American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division, April 2020.

"Shared Intentions and Ideal Theory." Social Ontology XI. Tufts University. August 2018.

"Resisting Oppression Together: Participatory Intentions and Unequal Agents." Panel: Group Harms and Group Resistance. American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division, Jan. 2018.

"Microaggressions and Practices of Accountability." Colloquium on Epistemic Injustice and Epistemic Violence. Emory University, Department of Philosophy in conjunction with The Fox Center for Humanistic Inquiry. Atlanta, GA. September 2017. (Invited)

"On Political Affordances: Eco-Cognitive Constraints on Joint Action, Value Foreclosure, and the Duty to Organize." Panel: Collective Agents and Global Structural Injustice. MANCEPT Workshops in Political Theory. University of Manchester. September 2017.

"Is the International Community a Collective Moral Agent?" Panel: Moral Agency. American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division. Seattle, WA. April 2017.

"On Microaggressions: Cumulative Harm and Individual Responsibility." Panel: Addressing Historical Wrongs. American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division. San Francisco, CA. March 2016.

"It Wasn't Me: Moral Responsibility and the First-Person Plural." Philosophy of Social Science Roundtable. University of South Florida, Tampa, FL. March 2016.

"Climate Change and Moral Obligation: Rethinking Ontological Divisions Between Individuals and the Collective." International Association for Environmental Philosophy at the American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division. Philadelphia, PA. December 2014.

"Against a Postmodern Interpretation of Standpoint Epistemology: An Examination of Strong Objectivity and Anti-Essentialism." International Symposium on Social Epistemology. Canadian Society for Epistemology. University of Sherbrooke, Canada. November 2013.

"Fatness as Flux: Shifting Queer Categorization for Bodies." Women's Resource Center's Faculty Favorite Lecture Series. Portland State University. April 2012. (Invited; public philosophy)

"Embodied Objectivity: Confronting Epistemic Limitations Across Feminist Research Methodologies." Praxis: An Experiment in Collaborative Art and Philosophy. PLACE at The Settlement. January 2012. (Invited; public philosophy)


Introduction to Ethics (Spring 2019)
Biomedical Ethics (Fall 2017; Fall 2018; Fall 2019)
Fundamental Issue in Philosophy (Fall 2017)
Introduction to Philosophy (Spring 2015; Binghamton University)


Office: Clement Hall 311
Office hours: by appointment.
Email: cwarne@memphis.edu