Dr. Gustav Borstad
Department of Physics and Materials Science
Instructor Coordinator
PHONE 901.678.4139
EMAIL gustav.borstad@memphis.edu
OFFICE Manning Hall 212
Dr. Colin Chapell
College of Professional & Liberal Studies
Instructor, Doctor of Liberal Studies Advisor
PHONE 901.678.2716
EMAIL cbchpell@memphis.edu
Dr. David Freeman
Department of Biological Sciences
Associate Professor, Chair
PHONE 901.678.2959
EMAIL dfreemn1@memphis.edu
OFFICE Life Sciences 321
Dr. Ronald Fuentes
Department of English
Associate Professor, Director of Online Programs
PHONE 901.678.4692
EMAIL rfuentes@memphis.edu
OFFICE Patterson 439
Dr. Arleen Hill
Department of Earth Sciences
Professor and Chair of Earth Sciences
PHONE 901.678.2589
EMAIL aahill@memphis.edu
Dr. Jessica Jennings
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Associate Professor
PHONE 901.678.2283
EMAIL jjnnings@memphis.edu
WEB www.jenningslab.com
Dr. Sanjay Mishra
Department of Physics and Materials Science
PHONE 901.678.3115
EMAIL srmishra@memphis.edu
OFFICE Manning Hall 226 (Laboratory in MN 117)
Dr. Max Paquette
College of Health Sciences
Associate Professor
PHONE 901.678.3339
EMAIL mrpqette@memphis.edu
OFFICE Fieldhouse 171B
Dr. Melissa Puppa
College of Health Sciences
Associate Professor
PHONE 901.678.4316
EMAIL mpuppa@memphis.edu
OFFICE Fieldhouse 306
Dr. Kris-Stella Trump
Department of Political Science
Assistant Professor
PHONE 901.678.2395
EMAIL ktrump@memphis.edu
OFFICE 421 Clement Hall
Ashley Roach-Freiman
Library Instruction Curriculum Coordinator, Research and Instruction Librarian
PHONE 901.678.8213
EMAIL amroach@memphis.edu
OFFICE McWherter Library, 120