Course Offerings 

Summer, Fall 2023 & Spring 2024

*Course offerings are subject to change.
**Updated March 03, 2023

Summer 2023 | Fall 2023 | Spring 2024

Spring 2024

RLGN 1100 - Introduction to Religionsposter for intro to religion
Multiple Sections (Online available)

Introduction to the world's major spiritual traditions from ancient times to the present. Topics include but are not limited to Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Native American religious traditions and African religious traditions.









RLGN 3100 - Perspectives on ReligionPerspectives on Religion poster
Meeting Time: 
Meeting Location:
Instructor: Dr. Michael Hundley

Why do human beings believe in divinities? Why do some seek eternal life, while others seek escape from recurring lives? Why do the beliefs and behaviors we typically call "religious" so deeply affect the human personality and so subtly weave their way through human society?

The purpose of this course is to introduce you to select major theorists and their methodologies. Many of these theorists begin with the question "What is religion?" and offer their answer. Along the way, they introduce concepts old and new as they tease out the origins of religion, the functions that religions play in society and psychology, as well as the material conditions that give rise to religion. Along the way, we will learn methodologies and theoretical concepts that persist not just in Religious Studies but also Anthropology, Ethnography, Economics, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, and Women & Gender Studies.



RLGN 3105 - Race and Religion
Race and Religion PosterCRN
Meeting Time: 
Meeting Location:
Instructor: Dr. Simranjit Khalsa

What do race and religion have to do with each other? How do they shape our lives and our society?
In this course we study these questions and more, taking an interdisciplinary approach and applying it to the world around us.





RLGN 3590/UNIV 3590 - New Testament
CRN 29506
12:40 pm-02:05 pm
William Dean Clement


PHIL 3701 - Human and the Divineposter for The Human and the Divine
CRN 22355
Lindsey Stewart

Course Description
In this course, we explore the philosophical foundations of both Western and West African religious traditions in the U.S. Special topics covered in this course include Yoruba religious traditions, the Black Church, liberation theology, feminist theology, hoodoo/Voodoo, and how African American spiritual traditions have influenced major aspects of American culture.  




JDST 2850-M50 & M52 - Religions of Abraham
CRN 11962 & 16098
Online, Asynchronous
Shaul Bar and Vivian Arendall

UNIV 3580-M50 - Hebrew and Greek Legacy  
CRN 13683
Online, Asynchronous
Terrie S Jackson

UNIV 3581-M50 - Faith/Reason/Imagination  
CRN 13683
Online, Asynchronous
Terrie S Jackson

UNIV 3590/RLGN 3590 - New Testament
CRN 29506
12:40 pm-02:05 pm
William Dean Clement  

UNIV 3592-M50 - Religious Perspectives of Death and the Afterlife
CRN 27448
Online, Asynchronous
Second Part of Term
Ron Serino

CLAS 2481 - Mythology
Multiple Sections Available, Online Options Available
Michael Savage, Ian McLean, Rita Pasqui, and Maria R Carlenius

COMM 3100 - Communication Ethics
CRN 23146
09:40 am-11:05 am
David G Matthews

HIST 3881 - African American History
Multiple Sections Available, Online Options Available
Elton Hal Weaver, Brian W Kwoba, Beverly Greene Bond, Jeffery L Jones, and James David Conway

PADM Civic Engagement, Voluntarism
CRN 24405
01:00 pm-02:25 pm
Candace McRae Walsh

PADM 4226 - Intro Nonprofit Organizations
Multiple Sections Available, Online Options Available
Elizabeth May Gillespie, Candace McRae Walsh, and Rachel D Sweet

Summer 2023

RLGN 1100 - Introduction to ReligionsIntro to Religion Poster
Multiple Sections (Online available)

Introduction to the world's major spiritual traditions from ancient times to the present. Topics include but are not limited to Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Native American religious traditions and African religious traditions.









JDST 2850  - Religions of Abraham
CRN 50378
Online, Asynchronous
Instructor: Dr. Shaul Bar

JDST 3661 - Perspectives on the Old Testament
Meeting Time: 
Meeting Location:
Instructor: Dr. Shaul Bar


ENGL 4461 - The Bible as LiteratureThe Bible as Literature Poster
CRN 51310
Meeting Time: TR  9:15 am-11:15 am 
Meeting Location: PT 329
Instructor: Dr. Dean Clement

This course studies the sacred texts of Judaism and Christianity as works of literature, with attention to the historical, cultural, and literary contexts of the Bible’s composition. Students will read books of the “Old” and “New” Testaments, as well as the Apocrypha and study theories as to how the Hebrew Bible and Christian Bible, as we know them today, came together.




CLAS 2481 - Mythology
CLAS 2481-M50
CRN 51785 
Online, Asynchronous
Instructor: Ian McLean

CLAS 2481-M51
CRN 53154 
Online, Asynchronous
Instructor: Maria Carlenius 

UNIV 3581-M50 - Faith/Reason/Imagination
CRN 55680
Online, Asynchronous
Instructor: Brodie Ivory Johnson


Fall 2023

RLGN 1100 - Introduction to Religionsposter for intro to religion
Multiple Sections (Online available)

Introduction to the world's major spiritual traditions from ancient times to the present. Topics include but are not limited to Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Native American religious traditions and African religious traditions.









RLGN 3002 - Studies in Islam and its Cultures poster for Islam
CRN 96033
Meeting Time: MW  12:40 pm - 2:05 pm 
Meeting Location: Clement Hall 135
Instructor: Dr. Michael Hundley








RLGN 3515-M50 - Women, Gender, and ReligionPoster for Women Gender and Religion
Online, Asynchronous
Instructor: Natalie Watson







RLGN 3565-M50 - Comparative Christianity
CRN 96458
Online, Asynchronous
Instructor: TBD



RLGN 3592-M50 - Religious Perspectives of Death and the AfterlifeDeath and the Afterlife poster
CRN 96393
Online, Asynchronous
Instructor: Dr. Ron Serino







SOCI 3860 - Religion and SocietyReligion and Society Poster
CRN 84913
Meeting Time: TR  11:00 am-12:45 pm
Meeting Location: CL 105
Instructor: Dr. Simranjit Khalsa

For many, religion is among our most cherished institutions. Even so, its larger social role and interactions with other institutions often go unaddressed. In this class, we use a sociological lens to understand what religion is, what forms it takes, and how it affects our lives.





JDST 2850 - Religions of Abraham Religions of Abraham poster
CRN 86812
Online, Asynchronous
Instructor: Dr. Shaul Bar







CLAS 2481 - Mythology
Multiple Sections (Online available, Honors available)

PHIL 3702-M50 - Philosophy of ReligionPhilosophy of Religion poster
CRN 82021
Instructor: Gerald Azike







POLS 3102 - Religion and Politics
CRN 93896
Meeting Time: MWF  11:30 am-12:25 pm
Meeting Location: CL 415
Instructor: Emily Kate Fulmer

UNIV 3580-M50 - Hebrew and Greek Legacy
CRN 91667
Online, Asynchronous
Instructor: Terrie Jackson 

UNIV 3581 - Faith/Reason/Imagination
CRN 91107
Online, Asynchronous
Instructor: Brodie Ivory Johnson

UNIV 3592 - Religious Perspectives Death/AfterlifeDeath and the Afterlife poster
CRN 96393
Online, Asynchronous
Instructor: Dr. Ron Serino