Archived Events Spring 2018
Drs. Finerman & Sackett Retirement Reception
On May 3rd, faculty, alumni, and current students gathered to celebrate the careers of Drs. Ruthbeth Finerman and Ross Sackett. We simply do not have enough time in the day to express all of the contributions and support that Drs. Finerman and Sackett have given the Department of Anthropology, the staff, faculty, and students, alumni of the department, and the Memphis community. Peruse some of the pictures of our celebration and check out our FaceBook page for the complete album!
Congratulations Evell Ballard
An enormous congratulations to our Administrative Secretary Evell Ballard for being awarded the Dean's Outstanding Employee Award!
Evell is an instrumental figure in our department that ensures everything runs smoothly and we can not thank her enough for all that she does for the department.
Our Spring 2018 graduating cohort got together to recreate a picture they took during their first semester of graduate school in 2016.
Spring 2018 Practicum Forum
Check out the pictures below of our graduating cohort giving their practicum presentations! Well done ladies!
Congratulations to the Graduating Cohort
Congratulations to the graduating cohort! We wish you all the best! Stay tuned for more pictures from the practicum forum and a special #tbt from the graduating cohort.
Pictured: Jordan Goss, Nadine McLean, Hannah Early, Hannah Clevenger, Brandi Newton, Megan Wilkinson, and *Rebecca Johnson (graduating 2019 in Medical Anthropology and Public Health)
Award Recipients
Another congratulations to the Outstanding Anthropology Senior and Outstanding Student Award for Community Engagement recipients!
Pictured below are recipients Nadine McLean and Megan Wilkinson (Outstanding Student Award for Community Engagement) and Reiley Wilson (Outstanding Anthropology Senior Award) with Dr. Keri Brondo.
Not pictured are Alexandrai Spann and Christine Wunrow (Outstanding Anthropology Senior Award).
WSHS Fusion Festival
Faculty member Dr. Clare Boulanger and graduate student Austin Wyatt Sr. spoke at White Station High School's Fusion festival on Friday, April 13. The festival, put on by the WSHS Indian Club, featured musical and dance acts, as well as fashion, from all over the globe. Dr. Boulanger opened the festival with a few remarks on culture and the value of cultural diversity, while Mr. Wyatt gave an inspirational speech halfway through the program, urging the students to follow their dreams. The evening concluded with Indian snacks in the cafeteria, where the students who had earlier danced to K-pop just kept on dancing.
Chucalissa Spring Family Fun Day
Check out the awesome activities lined up for this year's Family Fun Day at Chucalissa next Saturday, April 21st!
Spring Newsletter
Check out our Spring Newsletter! We have some exciting news to share from throughout our department!
The newsletter is uploaded as a pdf on our department's newsletter web page. If you are an alum, current student, or faculty member who has news that you want to share for the next newsletter email Dr. Brondo at
Congratulations to Alum Nora Bridges
An enormous congratulations to alum Nora Bridges who won second place for the PK New Award at the SfAAs! The PK New Award is an annual student research paper competition in which the research and the manuscript should use the social/behavioral sciences to address in an applied fashion an issue or question in the domain (broadly construed) of health care or human services.
Pictured below is Nora's PhD mentor and past president of the SfAA Dr. Kathleen Musante, Nora Bridges, and Nora's past mentor at the UofM Dr. Ruthbeth Finerman.
Annual SfAA Department Dinner
Every year for the SfAAs (Society for Applied Anthropology) the Department of Anthropology holds a dinner for alumni, current students, and faculty to strengthen our bonds and extend our networks. Last night was no exception!
Check out the pictures of our alumni, MA candidates, and faculty rubbing elbows during the annual SfAA dinner.

MA Candidates Present During SfAA Conference
Check out the pictures below of MA candidates Hannah Clevenger and Ryan Kilfoil presenting their work during the Society for Applied Anthropology conference this week!
Great job guys and a round of congratulations for those presenters and panelists, both faculty, students, and alumni, who are all presenting during the SfAAs!

Congratulations Amy Schaftlein
Congratulations to alum Amy Schaftlein who was named the executive director of United Housing in February! In her role, she oversees all aspects of the organization and works diligently to help those striving toward homeownership.
Prior to joining United Housing as executive director, Amy spent time with University Neighborhood Development Corporation as a research assistant and with Tennessee Housing Development Agency as the industry and government liaison.
In between those two positions, she spent six years with United Housing as the director of development and communications.
Congratulations Lauren Haley
Congratulations to Alumni Lauren Haley who recently accepted the position of program coordinator of Internal Medicine and Preventive Medicine at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center!
Lauren will be working with the MODEL (Management of Diabetes in Everyday Life) to understand the roles that health coaching, motivational text messages, or diabetes education material in primary care clinics play in helping African American men and women better manage their diabetes.
Networking Night at Chucalissa
An enormous thank you to alums Mairi Albertson (the current president of the Community Advisory Board), Melissa Buchner (Chucalissa), and Paige Walkup (Caissa Public Strategy) for hosting and sponsoring our Networking Night at Chucalissa!
We had a great time last night networking with other anthropology and non-anthropology professionals!
Pictures: Rachel Starks, Megan Wilkinson, Christine Wunrow, and Dr. Katherine Lambert-Pennington; Stephen Paff and Dr. Kathryn Hicks; Sarah Donovan and Jaynie Isbell; and Ron Brister and Melissa Buchner.
Applying for Graduate School Panel
Join us for an Applying to Graduate School panel including 4 of our graduate students and two of our faculty! They'll answer all of your questions including: why go to graduate school, the application process, expectations, and fellowships, assistantships, and stipends!
There will be pizza provided!
Where: Manning Hall RM 322
When: March 29th, 2018
Time: 11:45 - 12:45pm
Congratulations Alexandria, Reiley, and Christine
Congratulations to Alexandrai Spann, Reiley Wilson, and Christine Wunrow for being awarded the Outstanding Anthropology Senior Award! This award is presented to students with the most outstanding record of academic achievement in the major.
Congratulations to Nadine McLean & Megan Wilkinson
Congratulations to Nadine McLean and Megan Wilkinson for being awarded the Outstanding Student Award for Community Engagement! This award is to recognize and thank you for all of your contributions to engaged service and outreach in the department and in the community.
International Night
The International Student Association is hosting an International Night on March 24 from 6-10pm at the Rose Theater. Come indulge in global cuisine, participate in interactive displays, and enjoy cultural performances!
Center for Transforming Communities Workshop
The CTC (Center for Transforming Communities) is hosting Cormac Russell from the ABCD Institute on March 22 and 23 for a series of workshops.
He's facilitating a public workshop on Thursday, March 22 from 5:30pm - 8:00pm.
Registration is only $10 but it goes up to $20 after Monday.
Film and Talk
Join Dr. Trevor R. Getz for a film and talk on 'Abina and the Important Men' on next Wednesday 3/14 at 6pm at the University Center Theater!
College to Career Conferences
The College to Career Conference is a professional development conference that will have breakout sessions, mock interviews, a keynote speaker and an etiquette lunch.
The goal of this conference is to prepare students for the transition from college to career.
This conference is open to all students and will take place on Saturday, March 17th, from 9AM-2PM on the 3rd floor of the University Center.
Students should RSVP by visiting the College to Career Conference webpage:
Chucalissa Networking Event
Join us for a networking event at the C.H. Nash Museum at Chucalissa on March 21st from 5pm-7pm! This is an event to get together and mingle, build your community network, and open new avenues of communication!
Address: 1987 Indian Village Dr, Memphis, TN
Phone number: 901.785.3160
Website: Chucalissa
Check out the flyer for more information!
Welcoming Diversity Forum
The second Welcoming Diversity Forum will be held on March 2 from 12:00 to 12:55 p.m. in the Psychology Building, room 206. It will feature a presentation from Bryan Stevenson, and a discussion will follow.
Bryan Stevenson is a public interest lawyer and author who leads the Equal Justice Initiative in Montgomery, Alabama. His featured presentation is "We Need to Talk About An Injustice."
Welcoming Diversity Forum
This semester's Psychology Forum 'Welcoming Diversity' will feature topics relevant to enhancing our understanding of the African American experience in the U.S. and furthering social justice initiatives.
The first Welcoming Diversity Forum will be held on Friday, February 9 from 12:00 to 12:55 p.m. in the Psychology Building, room 206. It will feature a presentation from Vernā Myers, and a discussion will follow.
Vernā Myers is a Harvard-trained lawyer, author, and diversity consultant. She leads the Vernā Myers Consulting Group, an organization that has helped break down barriers of race, gender, ethnicity and sexual orientation in thousand-member workplaces. Her featured presentation is "How to Overcome Our Biases? Walk Boldly Toward Them."
For reference, Myers's personal website is here:
Including Trans Women in Sports
The Philosophy Department in conjunction with the Memphis chapter of Minorities and Philosophy is hosting a lecture by Dr. Rachel McKinnon THIS FRIDAY, Feb. 2 at 4 p.m. The talk is entitled "Including Trans Women in Sport: Analyzing Principles and Policies of Fairness in Competition."
Congrats to MA Candidate!
Congratulations to Rebecca Johnson, a MA in Medical Anthropology and MPH candidate,
who has been awarded as the 2018 Public Health Community Scholar! Awardees receive
a monthly stipend during their 3-month summer MPH practicum and the
following academic year that completes their graduate study. Additionally, a tuition waiver
will be provided for the second year of MPH coursework. The Public Health Department
awards are made on the basis of history of contribution to health improvement in the
Memphis metropolitan area, academic qualifications, advisor recommendation, and demonstrated
Philadelphia Bound!
Congratulations to all of the UofM faculty, students, and alum that are presenting, chairing, and co-chairing sessions at the 2018 SfAAs in Philadelphia!
Women's Leadership Programs
The Spring 2018 Women in Leadership program is designed to educate, empower and support University of Memphis women pursuing leadership roles and experiences. Participants may attend as many programs as they like, but registration is required for each. Click here to learn more about the events and register!
MLK Day of Service
MLK Day of Service - also put on bulletin board - The University of Memphis' Civic Engagement Board is proud to announce the 1st Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service. This service event will help shine a spotlight on service as a powerful force to bridge economic and social divides not only for this day, but also throughout every day as a Memphian. Registration is available NOW on VolunteerCompass. For questions, please contact Yhazsmin Mason at
Lunch with a Leader
Want to get involved but aren't sure how? Interested in learning how to translate your student leadership experiences to your future career interests? Have an idea to make the UofM a better place? Schedule a Lunch with a Leader to discuss all of this and more with your UofM Dean of Students, Associate Dean of Students or SLI staff. To schedule a lunch (free of charge!), email
Congratulations to Dr. Micah Trapp
Congratulations to Dr. Micah Trapp who recently published an article in Economic Anthropology!
The article is titled "Never had the hand": Distribution and inequality in the diverse economy of a refugee camp. It focuses on the ethnographic details of everyday economic life to dismantle dominant narratives that shape current understandings of refugee economies.
For a full version visit:
Practicum Presentations
Congratulations to three of our M.A. Candidates who presented their practicum work today! The next stop for them is graduation!
Spring 2018 Internships
There are some amazing Spring 2018 internship opportunities at the C.H. Nash Museum at Chucalissa! Check them out below!
Dr. Katherine Lambert-Pennington Presenting at the AAA's Conference
Check out our own Dr. Katherine Lambert-Pennington presenting on "Because what we eat is who we are: Growing a New Politics of Food in the Simeto Valley" at the AAA's!
Dr. Keri Brondo Presenting at the AAA's Conference
Check out our own Dr. Keri Brondo presenting on "Affective Labor and Multispecies Conservation Voluntourism in Utila, Honduras" at the AAA's yesterday! Photo Cred: M.A. Candidate Ryan Kilfoil
ServiceMaster Fellowship for Fall 2018
Announcing an opportunity for current or prospective Anthropology Graduate students to apply for a fellowship with ServiceMaster! It covers 9 hours of tuition along with a monthly stipend for the Fall 2018 semester. Learn more about the fellowship >
Congratulations to the Department of Anthropology's Faculty & Alumni!
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
8:30 AM - 12:45 PM - Society for Medical Anthropology (SMA) Anthropology and Mental
Health Interest Group Knowledge Exchange - Organized by Michael Duke, University of
Thursday, November 30, 2017
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM - Social Justice and Education
Hamda Khan - University of Memphis - Removing Prenatal Care Barriers in Underserved
6:30 PM - 8:15 PM - Circulations, Logics, and Logistics of Food - Organized, Chair,
& Discussant Katherine Lambert-Pennington and Micah Trapp, University of Memphis
Presenter Katherine Lambert-Pennington - University of Memphis - Because what we eat
Is who we are: Growing an eco-ethical food value chain in Sicily
Presenter Micah Trapp - University of Memphis - Troubled Access at the Farmers Market:
nutrition incentives, market tokens, and the matter of distribution
Saturday, December 2, 2017
8:00 AM - 9:45 AM - Work, Stress, Families, and Drug and Alcohol Use: Reflections
on the Career of Genevieve M. Ames - Organized, Chair, & Discussant Michael Duke,
University of Memphis
Presenter Linda Bennett - University of Memphis - Early Career Contributions of Genevieve
Ames to Alcohol Studies in Anthropology
4:15 PM - 6:00 PM - Affective Labor: The Politics and Ethics of Transnational Humanitarian
Presenter Keri Brondo – University of Memphis - Affective Labor and Multispecies Conservation
Voluntourism in Utila, Honduras
Collection of Civil Rights History in Memphis
Check out this article on the collection of Civil Rights History in Memphis. Our very own MA Candidate Sumi Montgomery and Associate Professor Dr. Katherine Lambert-Pennington worked on this special project.
Congratulations to Ms. Wilkerson and Ms. Ballard!
Congratulations to Ms. Paulette Wilkerson, nominee for the TIAA Presidential Award,
recognizing employees for making a lasting impact on the University through support,
stewardship and teamwork, and to Ms. Evell Ballard,nominee for the TIAA
Excellence in Academic Relations Award, which recognizes and honors employees for
their exceptional contribution efforts and contributions to the University.
The Department of Anthropology could not run as smoothly as it does without these wonderful ladies!
Professional Connections
Professional Connections is an opportunity for students to interact with local professionals over a lunch provided by Student Leadership & Involvement Office. The upcoming session is on Thursday, November 16th, from 12:30 - 2:00 in the Rose Theatre South Lobby and the presenter will be discussing the value of professional & strategic planning in the workplace.
Chi Alpha Campus Ministries presents Friendsgiving!
It's time for Thanksgiving! If you live away from family you might not be excited
for Thanksgiving, but don't fret!
The Chi Alpha International Campus Ministries with help from Vietnamese Student Association,
Asian American Association, and Hispanic Student Association is hosting a Friendsgiving
International Dinner. Everyone is welcome!
The dinner is a potluck! Bring a small dish that is either Thanksgiving style or a
food that represents your culture along with you!
Date: November 11, 2017
Time: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Location: Baptist Student Union (BCM)
CoPed 2017 Summer School
Every year students and faculty from around the world come to the Simeto Valley to support the community for the implementation of a community-based Strategic Development Plan called Simeto River Agreement inspired by social solidarity and the need of a new alliance between people and nature.
Our very own Graduate students and Dr. Lambert-Pennington have worked with the Simeto Valley over the years. Check out this video on the CoPED Summer School!
Legislative Luncheon with Senator Tate
Register for our Legislative Luncheon with Senator Tate to inquire about his job and current and future impact on our community. Free food will be provided.
Date: November 6, 2017
Time: 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Location: UC Ballroom B
Safety Net Organization: focus group meeting
"Hands to heal, not to harm. Because no one should survive alone." Through education
and agency, we will provide support to all students at the University of Memphis regardless
of race, color, creed, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or
national origin who are survivors of sexual violence. We believe sexual violence in
all its forms: harassment, assault, abuse, violence, and rape, to be a universal issue
that affects many as opposed to few. Aiming to address specific needs of each community,
LGBTQ+, non-binary, men, and women, we hope to provide survivors resources proven
to be therapeutic and a source of empowerment to each individual as they cope with
a past or recent traumatic experience.
Please join us to share your input, ask questions, and see how you can be involved
in shaping our campus to ensure a peaceful tomorrow.
Date: November 2, 2017
Time: 8:00PM – 10:00PM
Location: UC Shelby Room
International Studies Program Orientation & Info Session
The International Studies Program is hosting an orientation and information session for current and interested students on November 2nd from 11:30am-1:00pm in the University Center Beale Room.
University of Memphis College Democrats
The University of Memphis College Democrats are hosting an event on Wednesday, October 25th at 7pm at UC Ballroom B to discuss free speech, crime and poverty, immigration, gun legislation, and confederate statues. Come join the discussion!
Literature Review Workshop
At some point in your educational career you will need to write a literature review (or many!). Lit reviews are an important part of writing a paper or grant but they may be tricky sometimes.
The McWherter Library is hosting a Literature Review Workshop on Thursday, November 2 from 3:30pm-4:30pm in room 225.
Congratulations to Alum April Steele
Congratulations to alum April Steel on joining Southern Growth Studio's Anthropology team! Check out the article here: