Personal Training

Personal Training

It's not about perfection or a specific number on a scale. We aren't here to change you into something you're not. We are here to help you be the healthiest you can be. Our certified personal trainers will kick start your success and keep you motivated to find your optimal wellness plan. You will learn how to maximize your workouts, good workout techniques, and meet the fitness goals that matter to you the most. Sessions last one hour.


$150/six-session package

Non-Student Members
$200/six-session package


*You will be contacted after your payment is received to connect you with a trainer.


24-Hour Cancellation Policy

You must provide your personal trainer with 24-hour notice if you are unable to keep your appointment, except in cases of emergency or sudden illness. In the latter cases, please inform your personal trainer as soon as possible. Otherwise a missed session will count as a completed session having already been purchased.

Late Arrivals

If you arrive late for your appointment, your session will still end one hour after the original scheduled meeting time.

For more info:
Emilee Mena Rodado

Personal Trainers

Yvonne Carter
John Harris
Linda Hayes
Javin Peete
Yvette Smith

Ask the Trainer

Have a fitness question but don't know who to ask? Seek answers from one of our nationally-certified trainers. Ask anything — from weight loss tips to how to build more muscle to overcome injuries. You'll receive a response within 24 hours.