Construction Management Concentration

workers on construction siteThe Construction Management concentration in Civil Engineering at the University of Memphis will equip you with the engineering and business skills you need to succeed in the construction industry.  Students will gain access to industry professionals and up-to-the-minute developments in Construction Management processes, tools, and techniques.  Construction Management professionals design and teach all courses in the Civil Engineering Construction Management concentration. Upon graduation, you will be prepared to sit for the Fundamental of Engineering (FE) and Construction Manager in Training (CMIT) exams.  The concentration prepares you for entry-level positions in the construction industry, such as Field Engineer, Field Superintendent, Project Engineer, Project Controls Specialist, Scheduler, and Estimator.






Construction Management Courses

The Construction Management concentration encompasses five courses designed to teach you the professional skills you will need to succeed in the construction industry. Each course is taught using actual construction plans and specifications and with the latest industry software, including the RsMeans On-line Cost Database, Bluebeam Onscreen Quantity Takeoff Software, and Microsoft Project CPM Scheduling Software. Required courses for the Construction Management concentration are:

  • CIVL 4171 – Construction Engineering
    Use case studies to demonstrate the construction process and project management tools and techniques. Construction schedule, cost, quality, and communication controls are emphasized. 
  • CIVL 4906 – Construction Planning and Scheduling
    Principles of planning, scheduling, organizing, and controlling construction projects; studies in critical path method (CPM) and PERT, with resource-leveling and financial scheduling; computer applications in CPM and PERT emphasized.
  • CIVL 3691 – Construction Estimating
    Overview of the principal elements of construction estimating, developing the thought process, and engineering judgment that is required of the estimator to analyze job conditions and assess the labor required, equipment to be used, and construction methods to be implemented to perform the work.
  • CIVL 4175 – Construction Contracts and Law
    Provides an in-depth examination of the legal aspects of the construction process.  Topics of study include the construction participants; project administration; project design, scheduling, pricing, and performance; default and termination; dispute resolution; and detailed examination of common construction documents, including owner-designer agreements, owner-contractor agreements, subcontractor, and supplier agreements, change orders, surety bonds, and insurance policies. 
  • CIVL 3691 – Construction Safety
    The study of the causes of construction accidents, planning for safety, and managing safety on a construction site.  Hazard elimination by improving design and methodology, guarding to prevent contact with hazards, and determining and providing safety factors to minimize risk. 

Note:  CIVL 4171 is required for all Civil Engineering majors.  The other Construction Management courses are Civil Engineering electives.

Internships with Major Corporations

The University of Memphis, through our close relationship with the local construction industry, offers quality summer internships on construction projects across the Memphis area for our students.  One great resource for internships is our Construction Advisory Board, which includes the following companies and organizations.   Internships are encouraged for all our Construction Management students to get hands-on experience in the field.

logos of industry partners

Industry Advisory Board Members

Construction Management Association of America (CMAA) Club

construction management association of America logo

The CMAA student club at the University of Memphis is a great place for Construction Management students to connect with each other and network with industry professionals. As the only University in Tennessee affiliated with CMAA in the South Atlantic Region, the University of Memphis offers unique opportunities including targeted scholarships and industry networking opportunities. Through the club, Construction Management students also can earn the Construction Manager in Training (CMIT) certificate from CMAA. This is the first step in obtaining the Certified Construction Manager (CCM) certification which is a highly sought after industry credential. The club also sponsors a series of Construction Management guest lecturers, and site visits to the most interesting construction projects in the area. The schedule for Fall 2023 is as follows:


Interaction Class Topic/Site Date Location Time Firm
Guest Lecture Construction Engineering Preconstruction Thursday, October 12, 2023  ES 116 11:20 AM to 12:45 PM Turner
STEM Concrete Tuesday, November 7, 2023 Bass-Flintco
Construction Estimating Detailed Estimates Tuesday, October 24, 2023 ES 335 9:40 to 11:05 AM Turner
Construction Contracts and Law Contract Provisions Monday, October 9, 2023 ES 220 5:30 to 6:55 PM Walbridge
Contract Risks Wednesday, November 8, 2023 VuCon
Site Visit All Blue Oval City Thursday, November 16, 2023 --- TBD Walbridge
LeBonheur Hospital TBD --- TBD Turner


For more information on the CMAA club, check out our latest flyer.

Construction Industry Scholarships

Through our close affiliation with the local construction community, the University of Memphis offers exclusive scholarships for our top Construction Management students. Scholarships for the Spring 2024 semester:


two pictures of students visiting construction sites

Program Contact Information

Shahram Pezeshk, Chair
Department of Civil Engineering
The University of Memphis   
Phone: (901) 678-2746
Email: spezeshk@memphis.edu