Preparedness Procedures

You will cope best by preparing for emergencies before they strike. Peace of mind can only be achieved if you know where every member of your family or loved one is, whether it is your immediate family or someone impacted by an emergency out of state. Having a communications plan will help you to maintain contact with family and friends. Follow these simple steps to achieve your "peace of mind."

  • Choose an out-of-town contact that family or friends can call to check on each other when an emergency or disaster occurs.
  • Make sure your family and friends know these phone numbers. Make a small contact card they can carry for easy reference.
  • Test your out-of-town contact regularly and have them call you too.
  • Leave these phone numbers with school officials.
  • Register on the American Red Cross "Safe and Well List" where concerned family and friends can search the list of those who have registered themselves as "safe and well." https://disastersafe.redcross.org/

Remember to help others

There may be individuals with special needs ( hearing or sight impaired, mobility, etc.) in your residence hall, classroom, or office location that could use special attention during an emergency.

  • When an emergency strikes, contact these individuals to see if their needs are addressed.
  • Provide assistance to individuals with special needs until first responders arrive, if possible.
  • If an evacuation is necessary, assist with movement to a designated "safe area."