Herff Headlines email header

Fall 2022 | Issue 3 | Sept. 23, 2022


Building Security and Access


All Herff buildings will be unlocked 7:15 AM to 10 PM Monday-Thursday and 7:15 AM to 5 PM on Friday. Otherwise, they will be locked. You should have 24/7 access to Engineering Administration, Engineering Science, and Engineering Technology through the following entrances after hours with your ID card:

  • EA East Entry
  • ES East Entry
  • ES West Entry
  • ET North Entry

Your ID card will also get you into:

  • EA South Stairwell Room 300
  • ET 236
  • ET 312

Students have access 5 AM to 11:59 PM.
If you have problems or need additional access, send an email from your University account with
your U-number to Lendell Scott Riels (lsriels) lsriels@memphis.edu.


Russell Deaton, Ph. D.
Interim Dean of Engineering




STEM Building Groundbreaking Rescheduled


STEM building groundbreaking invitation with rendering and information





Welcome to Herff!


Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dr. Hiep Nguyen, Assistant Professor of Teaching




Fall 2022 Herff Career Fair Held


A great success, the Fall 2022 Herff College of Engineering Career Fair provided 167 student participants access to the 79 companies spread out across three buildings. Many companies attended for the first time, including those from the construction industry involved in the Blue Oval project. Some companies held same day interviews.

University of Memphis All Majors Career Fair
October 14  |  10 AM to 3 PM
University Center Ballroom (in-person)
Handshake (virtual)
>> More Information





Faculty/Staff headshots to be taken at Rose Theatre


Picture of camera lens

There is still time to sign up to take your University approved headshot. If you do not have one or need a new one, sign-up using the link below. Please email herffheadlines@memphis.edu with any questions.

Available Dates
October 19

>> Sign-up







Construction Management Lecture Series

Construction Scheduling
Wednesday, September 28
5:30 p.m. to 6:55 p.m.
102 D Engineering Administration Building 
Guest Lecturer: Grinder Taber Grinder
Topic: Scheduling

Construction Engineering
Thursday, October 6
11:20 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.
116 Engineering Science Building 
Guest Lecturer: Turner Construction
Topic Preconstruction

Construction Estimating
Tuesday, October 18
9:40 a.m. - 11:05 a.m.
335 Engineering Science Building 
Guest Lecturer: Flintco
Topic: Estimating





Share your news and events!

Click the link below to submit information about your important news and events that you need to promote internally and externally. Also, use the online form to submit requests for digital and/or print marketing materials. 



The University of Memphis | Herff College of Engineering | memphis.edu/herff










The University of Memphis | Herff College of Engineering
Memphis, TN 38152  |  901.678.2171

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The University of Memphis is an AA/EEO employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. Full Non-Discrimination Policy.