Will WrightWill Wright


M.A in Ethics and Applied Philosophy, University of North Carolina at Charlotte (2021-2023)  
M.A. Philosophy of Mind, Radboud University (2015-2018)

Research Interests

My research is aimed at understanding how cognition is permeated by community and social structure. This includes extended, embedded and embodied theories of cognition. I am interested in radical epistemologies and imaginations; focusing specifically on how these emerge in groups. I aim to apply feminist and de-colonial methods to considerations of cognition and the role of social others in thinking, analyzing and making choices.

Areas of specializations

Philosophy of Mind, Cognitive Science, Epistemology, Radical Imaginations, Feminist Methods, Applied Philosophy and Ethics


“Forming Coalitions: Dynamic Systems Theory and Feminist Methods”, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies South, Weaving Just Futures: Feminist Coalition and the Cultivation of Long Memories in the South, March, 30 2023


Office: Clement 315
Office Hours: Tuesdays, 2:30pm-4:30pm
email: wwright6@memphis.edu