How to Apply to the Graduate Program in Political Science

Complete the application process at the University of Memphis Graduate School website: Apply for Graduate Admissions.

Email Dr. Sharon Stanley as soon as you have uploaded required application materials and completed the online application so we can make sure timely action is taken on your file.

Graduate Recruitment Director: Dr. Derefe Chevannes | E-Mail: dkchvnns@memphis.edu

Graduate Coordinator: Dr. Sharon Stanley | E-Mail: sastanly@memphis.edu

For Help

  • For application navigation questions, or if you are having technical difficulty, please contact Graduate Admissions Customer Service at 617.612.2943 (8am - 4pm, Monday - Friday) or email: graduateadmissions@memphis.edu.
  • Helpful information can also be found on our FAQ page.
  • The status of your application can be found within your application. After logging in, click on the "Check Status" link on the upper right corner of your electronic application.

Important Notes

If you have previously completed a graduate application to the University, all future graduate application fees are waived. Please contact Graduate Admissions 901.678.3685 or graduateadmissions@memphis.edu for a coupon code for you to use within a day of submitting your next application.