Social Work Resources
Resources for Professionals and Students
Find links to professional organizations, academic supports, and general resources helpful to social work professionals and current students using the navigation bar to the left. Faculty and student produced resources are highlighted below.
Community Resource Directory
Community Resource Directory. This directory has been developed to serve as a community service by Dr. Susan Elswick in the School of Social Work. Please contact Dr. Elswick with any agency changes or additions.
Clinical Supervision Directory
Directory of Clinical Supervisors. Please note: the directory will continue to be updated as clinical supervisors request to have their information listed. If you are a licensed clinical social worker interested in providing clinical licensure supervision to LMSWs, please complete a request form to be added to our Social Work Supervision Directory. Please contact Laura Taylor, MSW Field Coordinator, with any questions.
School Social Work Licensure
MSW School Social Work Licensure
BA of Social Work School Social Work Licensure
Resources for Faculty and Community Partners
If you are hosting an event in partnership with the University of Memphis School of Social Work that offers Continuing Education Units (CEUs), please complete and submit the following form along with supporting documents to our Main Office for archival purposes: