Title IX Policy & Enforcement

Title IX and University Policy

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 protects people from discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities which receive Federal financial assistance.

Title IX ensures gender parity in sports programs, as well prohibits sexual misconduct (sexual harassment, dating/domestic violence, stalking, and sexual harassment) in school programs and activities. Programs and activities which may be included are: admissions, recruitment, financial aid, academic programs, athletics, housing, and employment.

Attention students, faculty, and staff: The U.S. Department of Education has released new Title IX Regulations that have changed our university Title IX Policy. It’s important that you complete your Sexual Assault Prevention Training each year so that you will be aware of policy updates and what they mean for you. The link below will take you to our interim Title IX policy that is active until we finalize our new Title IX Policy. If you have any questions about the new regulations or the new policy, please email oie@memphis.edu. If you have any questions about the Sexual Assault Prevention training, please email preventiontraining@memphis.edu.

Interim Sexual Harassment & Sexual/Gender-Based Misconduct Policy >

Title IX Coordinator

The Director of the Office for Institutional Equity is the University’s Title IX Coordinator and oversees and provides leadership for the University's Title IX activities and any deputy Title IX Coordinators and the Title IX: Prevention Specialist. Responsibilities of the Title IX Coordinator include:

  • Tracking and monitoring incidents, including sex discrimination and sexual misconduct;
  • Ensuring that the University responds effectively to each complaint;
  • Where appropriate, conducting investigations of alleged sexual misconduct; and
  • Overseeing the University's education and training activities related to sex discrimination including sexual misconduct.

Individuals with questions, concerns or a complaint related to Title IX are encouraged to contact the University's Title IX Coordinator:

Ceecy Reed
Interim Director, Office for Institutional Equity
156 Administration Building
Memphis, TN 38152-3370

If you would like to learn more about reporting options or Title IX at the University of Memphis, please visit the Office for Institutional Equity >