It's time to get your courses ready for students.
Here's How:

1. Log in and verify you see all your course shells

When you first log in to Canvas at memphis.instruture.com you will see these kinds of course shells:

Upcoming (New) Semester Shells

These shells may not yet contain content, but they will contain all your registered students. (Don’t worry — students can’t reach the course until the start of the semester!)

Canvas Courses from Prior Terms

Courses created for Spring 2021 to the present have always been Canvas courses.

eCourseware 2020 and Fall 2021 Prior Terms

These shells contain course material exported from D2L (eCourseware) automatically from 2020 and 2021. You may also see older courses that you have requested to be exported.  These shells will not contain any student data.

Your Sandbox

Your sandbox  is a course shell where you can play and experiment with Canvas in a mistake-proof environment. No students will ever see it! Go ahead, make a survey or video and see how Canvas works.

Growing with Canvas

Technically, this is a course not a shell, but you should still see this when you log in. Explore this self paced tutorial and learn Canvas at your own speed. Once you've completed a module or two, you'll know everything you need to get started working in Canvas. If you, as faculty, don't see Growing with Canvas, you can self enroll.

Don't see all your courses?

Your dashboard only shows 20 courses. If you have more than 20 courses, click the "Courses" button in the Global Navigation menu, then View All in the window that appears. Or,  follow these instructions. Be sure to favorite the courses you need the most. This way, they'll display at the top of your dashboard.

2. Add content to your course

Course shells need content. You can add content into your course several ways:

Build from scratch

If you have a new course or just want to start fresh, you can add materials directly to your shell. The self paced course Growing with Canvas will get your started in creating modules, pages, assignments, quizzes and more.  Not sure how to plan out your course or have questions about assessments, resources, or interacting with students? Make an consultation appointment with one of our instructional designers.  

Import your course material and edit

Since all D2L (eCourseware) courses from 2020 and 2021 have already been exported to Canvas, you can use these materials as the base for your spring course. Your Department Aide (DA) can import your material to a spring shell, or you can do this yourself using these instructions, or you can submit a request.

3. Make sure your course looks great

Do your quizzes work? Have you set your notification preferences? Is it accessible? Use our handy Canvas Checklist to make sure your course meets your needs and student expectations.