Lab Guidelines
• It is your responsibility to logout once you have finished working on the computer. This prevents other users from accessing any resources using your credentials.
• All physical and network activities in the lab are monitored and recorded for the protection of everyone.
• All activities in the lab must adhere to the Policy for Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources (Policy IT6003)
• Use of labs is permitted only to University of Memphis students, faculty, staff, and approved guests on a single computer. Logging in with another person's UUID or multiple logins are prohibited.
• Lab Attendants may request to see a valid UofM ID card.
• No food, drinks, bicycles or pets other than aide animals are permitted in the labs. Meal type foods from a vending machine are allowed.
• Cell phone usage is not permitted in the lab, cell phones are allowed in collaboration rooms.
• Per University policy, student computer labs are totally off limits to children, regardless of supervision by a responsible adult. (See Policy HR5063.) The general public may use the computers in the McWherter Library Learning Commons (room 110) during regular McWherter Library hours. Non-UofM students under 18 must be accompanied by an adult to use the computers in the UofM Libraries. A valid University of Memphis ID will be required to remain in the Learning Commons after Library closing.
• Loud, disruptive or threatening behavior is not permitted in the labs, as it is a disturbance to others. Anyone engaged in behavior that disturbs others will be asked to leave.
• The lab telephone is not for personal use.
• Students are allowed to use computers for recreational use. If there are people waiting who need to complete academic work, lab monitors may ask recreational users to leave.
• Installing peer to peer file sharing programs to download or upload copyrighted material is prohibited. In addition, songs, videos and movies are almost always copyrighted. Therefore, downloading/uploading these materials through the use of peer-to-peer file sharing can result in personal liability for copyright infringement.
• While software is available to copy CDs you may be required to show copyright permission when making copies of CD's.
• Use of lab equipment to view/download sexually explicit materials may require the user to demonstrate educational purposes. Lab attendants are required to make this inquiry upon a complaint from another user. If the educational purpose cannot be determined you will be required to cease.
• You will be asked to leave the lab if you cannot comply with these guidelines. All incidents are logged and may be reported to the Dean of Student Conduct for further disciplinary action.