Consuming Passions II: A Collection of Collections

Consuming Passions II is a collection of collections. In 1993, AMUM staged its first Consuming Passions exhibition which featured comic books, outsider art, television-themed board games, home-crafted textiles, snow-shakers, and many other local and regional collections. This sequel on the twenty-fifth anniversary of that earlier exhibition will revisit the theme of collectors and collecting. Drawn from the varied pursuits of both hobbyists and citizen-scholars, Consuming Passions II will showcase sports paraphernalia, Japanese prints, automobile art, posters and material culture from World War I and World War II, and provocative assemblies of pop-culture related artifacts. event page here


Consuming Passions II is a collection of collections.   In 1993, AMUM staged its first Consuming Passions exhibition which featured comic books, outsider art, television-themed board games, home-crafted textiles, snow-shakers, and many other local and regional collections.  This sequel on the twenty-fifth anniversary of that earlier exhibition will revisit the theme of collectors and collecting.  Drawn from the varied pursuits of both hobbyists and citizen-scholars, Consuming Passions II will showcase sports paraphernalia, Japanese prints, automobile art, posters and material culture from World War I and World War II, and provocative assemblies of pop-culture related artifacts.