75 years and counting…
The Memphis Speech & Hearing Center’s Board of Directors and the School of Communication
Sciences and Disorders hosted a reception on November 14 to commemorate the Center’s
75th anniversary and celebrate the current and future work being carried out by our
clinicians in the community.
MSHC was created in June 1947 by several non-profit organizations including the Junior League of Memphis, the Society for Crippled Adults and Children, the National Council of Jewish Women, UT Medical College, and the Shelby County Health Department. Representatives from each organization formed a ten-member Board of Directors that administrated the Center for its first 20 years of operation. When the Center became a part of Memphis State University in 1967, the Board took on an advisory role and administrated a trust created by Dr. Pope Farrington, an early and important supporter of the Center.
During the reception, attendees participated in a tour offered by MSHC clinicians and CSD research faculty to explain their current services and lines of research.
MSHC, Inc. Board of Directors members (L to R): Dr. Boyd Gillespie, Elizabeth Martin, Mark Cary, Linda Jarmulowicz, Cynthia Johnson, Matt Warren; not shown Deborah Townsend, Deborah Harris, Anne Conrad, Colleen Canale, Jessica Jolly.