Honors Ambassadors

The Honors Ambassador Program is a leadership organization within the Helen Hardin Honors College, with the purpose of showcasing our most engaged members to new and current students.

Honors Ambassadors are primarily responsible for assisting staff with honors-sponsored events, offering guidance to current members, encouraging current members to participate in honors experiences, and helping to recruit potential honors students. Honors Ambassadors are expected to be knowledgeable about all aspects of the Honors College; assist with honors orientation meetings; help with fall and spring honors-sponsored events; attend recruitment receptions and college fairs; and other special events as they arise.


In addition to a $500 scholarship per semester, students will be able to engage and network with current and prospective honors students as well as with campus staff and faculty.

Required Qualifications

  • Minimum 3.25 cumulative GPA, good academic standing, & active enrollment in the Honors College
  • Current sophomore status or higher
  • Not graduating May 2024 or December 2024. Must be a student for the entire 2024-2025 academic year.
  • Preferred QualificationsLeadership & involvement experiences
  • Has participated in an Honors experience such as study abroad, internship, research, etc.
  • Positive attitude, responsible, reliable, and works well with others

Apply to be a Honors Ambassador in 2024-2025

Application Deadline: May 15, 2024

Apply Now >

2024-2025 Honors Ambassadors

Our Honors Ambassadors are here to talk to you about the Helen Hardin Honors College and being a successful honors student. They come from a variety of academic departments, campus groups, and Honors Experiences.

Ambassadors will be available at UofM Honors events where students to talk about the opportunities available as honors students, give guidance and perspectives on a variety of topics, and offer success tips and resources.

Cierra Dennis

Cierra Dennis
Hometown: San Antonio, TX

Majors: International Business & World Languages and Literatures: Chinese, Spanish, French 

I joined the honors college because I wanted to be surrounded by a skilled, learned, and diverse community of students and faculty that would open the door to a future I wouldn’t have access to otherwise. The honors college has allowed me to fill the role of a student government member, undergraduate researcher, and board member of different diverse and philanthropic organizations. I want to inspire other students to truly take advantage of the opportunities presented by the honors college. I want students to understand that the honors college is not a one-stop overnight transformation stop, but rather a door through which students explore themselves and the world around them by using the unique tools and guidance provided to them. I hope to lead by example through my work as an Honors Ambassador.

Stephanie Bigham

Elaine Mooney
Hometown: Jackson, TN

Major: Psychology
Minor: American Sign Language

I joined the Honors College to enhance my academic involvement as part of a community that facilitates high-achieving students in supporting one another. The Honors College has allowed me to personally experience diverse cultures in international settings, pushed me to reconsider my self-imposed limitations, facilitated my undergraduate research, and given me opportunities to serve back to my campus and community. As an ambassador, I hope to inspire students to gain from and contribute to these programs as well. It is so much more than designation on a transcript. It truly is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that will provide them with guidance, allow them to build important and lasting relationships with their peers, and prepare them for success. Above all, they bring unique perspectives and interests that make this community extraordinary. When we all challenge and encourage one another, we can achieve more than any of us may have individually thought possible.

LaResha Gregory

Nadia Warren
Hometown: Memphis, TN

Major: Professional Studies
Minor: American Sign Language

I joined the Helen Hardin Honors College my freshman year back in 2021 because I wanted to set myself apart and have a more distinguished educational experience here at the University of Memphis. Being a part of the honors college has helped me by giving me access to scholarships as well as connections that have helped me have a more rewarding academic experience. I have gotten access to priority registration, special opportunities through the honors experiences and the chance to network with fellow students with similar goals. I would recommend everyone to join the honors college to challenge yourself in new ways. I hope that as an ambassador this year my experience will inspire others to go for it and see for themselves all the benefits the Helen Hardin Honors College has to offer.

Samantha Lewis

Samantha Lewis
Hometown: Memphis, TN

Major: Biology

I joined the Helen Hardin Honors College so that I could further my academic career. I participated in the optional program in high school as well as completing DUAL courses and in my mind I felt like I was prepared enough to go down the honors pathway in college. The workload is difficult but I strongly believe that this program will help me succeed with my goals in life. My main career goal is to become an aquatic veterinarian and in order to achieve that I must complete all my academic goals. The honors college has greatly impacted my academic goals because they give their students a multitude of opportunities to participate in. I was never given these types of opportunities until I joined the honors program. As an Honors Ambassador, I hope to show prospective students that the honors college is not something to be scared of; rather, it is something they should take advantage of while given the chance. Primarily, I wish to uplift, support, and assist honors students and show them that the program can be fun!

Van Ross

Kennedy Bolton
Hometown: Memphis, TN
Majors: International Studies & World Languages: Japanese

Upon entering the University of Memphis in 2020, I joined the Helen Hardin Honors College. Joining the Honors College meant I could further advance my college experience, especially during the early years of the COVID-19 pandemic. I was able to learn more in my honors classes, afford tuition costs, and create meaningful connections with both my professors and peers. Above all, joining the Honors College helped me achieve my goal of studying abroad in Japan. It is thanks to this program that I made such precious, unforgettable memories abroad. As graduation approaches, I plan to conclude my honors experience by completing an Honors Thesis and becoming an Honors Ambassador! If I can help prospective students take hold the same wonderful experiences I was given, that would be my greatest college achievement of all.


Samantha Lewis

Mira Umarova
Hometown: Tashkent, Uzb
Major: Biology
Minor: Chemistry

I joined the Honors College because of the exceptional opportunities it provides for students like me. My ambition is to become a researcher, and the Honors College supports all passionate students through conferences, fellowships, and forums that enhance resumes and develop crucial skills. For instance, this past summer, I received an Honors College research fellowship where I focused on my project about chemical cues in ant colonies. This experience resulted in my first publication currently in progress. I regret not knowing about all the benefits and opportunities of the Honors College earlier in my academic journey and joining at the end of my sophomore year. As an Honors Ambassador, I aim to educate students about the advantages of joining the Honors College early on. Drawing from my own journey, I am eager to offer support and guidance to help them achieve their academic goals.


Samantha Lewis

Mia Chambers
Hometown: Atoka, TN
Majors: Psychology & Criminal Justice

I joined the honors college because I wanted to seek out challenges and new opportunities that would prepare me for graduate school and my professional career aspirations. I have been able to connect with many like-minded students and staff who have inspired me to pursue my academic and professional goals through collaboration and mentorship. During my time with the Honors College, I have been able to participate in a range of opportunities including hands-on undergraduate research and professional presentations. I have been encouraged to step outside of my comfort zone by seeking out experiences like studying abroad and by participating in campus organizations with a role as a board member. This program has also contributed to my personal development by building my confidence as I dive head-first into my college career. As an Honors Ambassador, I intend to share my experience with new and prospective honors students to motivate them to fully take advantage of everything the program has to offer. The Honors College and its members have empowered me to strive for excellence in all aspects of life, and I hope to inspire, through personal testimony, others to follow suit. 

Samantha Lewis

Ziad Gnedy
Hometown: Memphis, TN
Major: Chemistry
Minor: Biology

I joined the Helen Hardin Honors College because I enjoy challenging myself. It never feels right to stay on a normal track knowing there is one that will make me work harder. Being a part of the Honors College is the perfect opportunity to challenge myself during undergrad. I plan on attending dental school after undergrad and to do well in professional school, I must be accustomed to more rigorous coursework starting from now. Another major reason I joined the Honors College is to be around other honors students. I believe I can be much more successful surrounded by students who share my goals and work ethic. The Honors College will allow me to be better prepared for my goal of pursuing dentistry. As an honors ambassador, I hope to be able to allow fellow students to benefit from the Honors College as much as I have. 


Samantha Lewis

Isaac Perriguey
Hometown: Memphis, TN
Majors: Biology & Chemistry
Minors: Russian, Political Science, Naval Science

I chose to join the Honors College at the University of Memphis to embrace an extra layer of academic challenge and to connect with other driven and high-achieving students. The Honors College has offered me the chance to immerse myself in a vibrant and diverse community of peers and faculty, while enhancing my learning experience. Throughout my time in the Honors College, I have had the opportunity to serve as the president of the Wrestling Club, work as a peer tutor, participate in several student organizations, and dedicate myself as an NROTC midshipman. My goal is to motivate other students to do all they can do and take full advantage of the opportunities within the Honors College, recognizing that the process of self-discovery and education is enhanced by doing more all the time. By utilizing the unique resources and support available, I aspire to set an example through my contributions as an Honors Ambassador.