Distance Running Training Assessment

*Assessments and testing are currently on hold*

For athletes seeking detailed individual information to guide their training.

What it includes:

  • Body Composition Scan
    • Dual Energy Absorptiometry Test
  • Physical Output testing
    • Vo2 Max Test
    • Lactate Threshold measurement
  • Running Assessment
    • Running Economy Test
  • Expert Consultation
    • Training Recommendations

Designed specifically for runners by a running coach, this test battery provides complete assessment of your physical capacity as it relates to running to tailor your training accordingly. Following measurement of bone density for injury risk assessment, your running fitness and running efficiency will be measured. This testing provides is your aerobic capacity (Vo2Max), the level of your aerobic capacity that you can sustain for a long time (lactate threshold), and your efficiency at converting that oxygen consumption into forward motion (running economy). Using this data, a trained applied scientist will work with you to design principles to guide your future training.

Your body scan is a non-invasive test that measures bone mineral density, to assess risk of fracture and your body fat and muscle mass measurement including both the amount and location to provide information to individually tailor training recommendations.

A Vo2 Max test measures your cardiorespiratory fitness and endurance capacity. By measuring your maximal oxygen uptake, we detail the maximum amount of oxygen you can utilize during intense exercise. This data is used to establish your aerobic endurance and performance capacity to guide training.

To add detail to your assessment, running economy provides a critical determinant of distance running performance. This test measures the energy needed to run at a given pace by measuring the volume of air consumed over time, specifically by comparing the oxygen levels of inhaled and exhaled air. 

Duration: 90 minutes
Cost: $200