The SBA is dedicated to connecting all Memphis Law students into one body to foster fellowship and cooperation as well as advance the aims and purposes of the law school.

Duties of the association include creating forums to resolve student issues, plan student's activities, and partner with other university departments for the advancement of common interests. All Memphis Law students are automatically members of the SBA.

We hope that this site will provide useful information about SBA activities and information about events at the law school. Click on the links below to navigate our site and to find important documents, information regarding meetings, upcoming events and opportunities to participate on SBA committees. Please feel free to contact any of the SBA officers with your comments and concerns.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the most up to date information about our upcoming events!

Questions, comments, or concerns? Please send a message to SBA via our feedback form.  Alternatively, feel free to send in your comments or suggestions, or contact anyone on the SBA administrative board

For information on SBA election rules, upcoming meeting announcements, agendas and minutes, as well as all other SBA-related updates, please visit the SBA TWEN page by clicking HERE.


The SBA is an Administrative Council comprised of the Executive Board and the Board of Bar Governors. The 2024-2025 Executive Members are as follows:

Executive Members

Crystal Golden President
Ciana Charity Vice President
Hannah Kiihnl Director of Events
Dalton Acree Treasurer
Cody Smith Secretary
Ruhiya Mithani Community Service Liaison
Jessie Nabors SGA Senator
Dylan Ledbetter SGA Senator-Elect
Timothy Hopson Elections Commissioner
Imani Bruce Director of Marketing
Nathan Daniels Executive Director
Kylei Sarwar Professional Liaison
Taylor Stewart Director of Fundraising
N/A Finance Director
Sidney Sensing Historian


Bar Governors

Chris Templeman 3L Bar Governor
Nate Buford 3L Bar Governor
Syndi Beloate 2L Bar Governor
Olivia Makayla Sanders 2L Bar Governor
Alexis Adams 2L Bar Governor


Faculty Advisor

  • Regina Hillman

SBA Committee Information
SBA Constitution


Collaborate with us: https://forms.gle/hqP9BjKV54PDfR4o7

Send us feedback, questions, or concerns: https://forms.gle/5Lc2u5NxPH7N41oVA