Live Stream Request Information
Faculty have the option of having both live and virtual events livestreamed on Vimeo. Please follow the instructions below to the corresponding event type you will be hosting.
Section 1: Live Events
To have your live event streamed to Vimeo (Ensemble Concert, Non-Student Recitals, Masterclass, ETC), please follow the instructions below.
Step 1: Request a space through the VEMS system. Instructions to request a space can be found in the Faculty Resources under Events, entitled VEMS-How to Schedule an Event.
Step 2: After the space requested has been confirmed, proceed to fill out the AV Technology Request Form under the “Events” section in Faculty Resources no less than 14 days prior to your event. Be sure to select the option to have your event live streamed.
2a: If you wish to have your event have PR material created and published, please fill out the Performance/Event PR Request located in the Events Section of the Faculty Resources, no less than 7 days prior to your event.
Step 3: After receiving your AV Technology Request Form, the School of Music AV team will be in contact within 72 to hours to confirm event details and times, along with any technical needs.
Step 4: At the time of your event, it may be viewed at the following link:
Live events are defined as any event occurring in person in any of the School of Music spaces. For any virtual events, please see the instructions for livestreaming Virtual Events in Section 2.
Section 2: Virtual Events
To have your Virtual event streamed to Vimeo (Zoom Masterclass, Virtual Recital, ETC), please follow the instructions below.
Step 1: Fill out the AV Technology Request Form located in the Events Section of the Faculty Resources, no less than 14 days prior to your event. Be sure to select the option to have your event live streamed.
NOTE: If your event is going to be based on Zoom, you MUST invite to your zoom call. Without this, the event cannot be livestreamed*
1a: If you wish to have your event have PR material created and published, please fill out the Performance/Event PR Request, located in the Events Section of the Faculty Resources, no less than 7 days prior to your event.
Step 2: After receiving your AV Technology Request Form, the School of Music AV team will be in contact within 72 to hours to confirm event details and times, along with any technical needs.
Step 3: At the time of your event, it may be viewed at the following link:
3a: For events based on zoom, please follow these additional steps for streaming:
- Begin to Host the zoom call 30 minutes prior to the start of your event to allow for Audio/Visual testing.
- The only guests in the call should be the Host, the Guest Artist/Speaker, the RESSOM AV team, and any other recipients deemed necessary. All other guests should refer to the live event for viewing, as there is ability to interact from the event page.
- Direct students and other viewers to the event page found at Please note, the live event will be around 20-30 seconds behind the host due to network latency.
- Any comments, questions, or general interactions can be conveyed using the chat option on the right of the event page.
Section 3: Event Archiving
All recorded events occurring from the Fall of 2020 forward are archived on Vimeo, and can be accessed in the following Showcases:
RESSOM Online: Masterclasses and Webinars
NOTE: Student Recitals will be archived but are not kept public. If you would like to access a past student recital, please send a request to and you will receive a direct link to the past event.